Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A feline infiltrated my house funny

Today started like any other day. I woke up and found my way into the bathroom half asleep to take a shit. Finished up and went out to look for something to eat and take my medicine(I've had this really obnoxious cough). Open freezer, BAM, bagel bites, fucking score. Put those bad boys in for 2 min. In the mean time I grab my medicine and a jug out of the fridge to fill a cup up with. As I'm closing the door after putting it back I hear this, "MEW MEW MEW". I just stand there startled. As I turn to look down to the left I see this god damn kitten come from behind my fridge. My other cat runs over to meet her. Cat seemed indifferent, then my dog came over to say hi. The kitten was pretty upset and started growling. At this point my cat changed her decision about the small one, it was like when you meet someone and then you find out that they think your best friend is a total bitch. So here I was with this kitten, what to do but wake up my sisters.

First I wake up Sally, "HEY, HEY, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?". When she finally got out of her droopy haze she was AWAKE. I've never seen this bitch move so fast out of bed in her life for anything. Immediately in love with it. Next me and Sally walk into Betty's room, drop the kitten on her and start telling her to wake up. Wakes up, "What the fu...(half smiling half wtf is going on face)". Explain Kitten came out of nowhere, assumed our cat had decided to adopt someone without asking. End up playing with it for a few hours, figured out about how old it was comparing kitten age pictures and body features. Figured out she was about 7 weeks old. Fed and gave the cat water. Had some kitty liter left from fixing an oil spot on the driveway outside, so I took a platter tin and filled it, bam liter box. After she ate she more or less passed out.

Turns out our neighbor found him a day ago and brought him home because they didn't wanna leave him out there. The person who was watching the cat in the morning left their door open and she just wandered out. Not sure why but she decided to venture into our house and hang out behind the refrigerator. She infiltrated my home with 2 dogs and a cat that knows everything. Been looking for a home for her, think my friend might take her fingers crossed.

Definite top 10 most random things that have happened to me in my life. It's up there with my 3 legged hamster playing dead for our old cat.

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 11:36AM by keeping_anonship funny

[San Diego, Ca] First time renting and stupidly signed a lease without fully understanding it. legaladvice

TL;DR: Sorry for the long post/rant. Who is in charge of maintaining the pool?

Bear with me, this is going to be a long post. I live in one of the college areas around San Diego and stupidly signed a lease out of desperation for a place to stay. Our landlord is a slumlord and basically handed us over the house back in August in an uninhabitable condition. I deducted the week that it was uninhabitable from September's rent and he seemed to be okay with that.

He's also violating an ordinance that prevents more than 5 people to live in a house in our area. However, we only have 5 people on lease since one of my friends more foolishly is subletting from another friend which goes against our lease. Mind you, we are 6 people living in a 3br2ba. Im fine with turning a blind eye to the ordinance since and I'm pretty sure none of my other roommates are aware of it and or what our rights are as tenants.

So our landlord has been paying to keep the pool clean for the last two months and today he drops the bomb on us that it's actually our responsibility to get it cleaned and not his. I looked in our lease, which is super vague at times, and I dont think it accurately describes whose responsibility it is to maintain the pool. I looked it up online and found a lot of sites that said unless stated in the lease, it's the landlords. So whose responsibility is it?

Here's our lease:

  1. RENT: To pay as rental the sum of $3400 per month, due and payable in advance from the first day of every month. The amount due from each resident is shown on the signature page as each resident’s prorated share of the monthly rent. The amount due from each residents will be determined by the residents with the total amount due being $3400. Failure to pay rent within five days of the due date will result in the Owner taking immediate legal action to evict the Resident from the premises. If the legal action results in an eviction the security deposit will be seized.

  2. LATE FEE: Rent received after a five day grace period will be subject to a late fee of 10% of any unpaid rent plus (10.00) dollars per day from the delinquent residents.

  3. BAD CHECKS: Residents further agree to pay as a service charge the larger of $ 10 or 5% of the amount of any dishonored check, regardless of cause.

  4. APPLIANCES: The above rental payment specifically includes a refrigerator and washer and dryer provided by the Owner. The Owner will keep these appliances in good repair unless the required repair is caused by the negligence of the Resident(s). ACCEPTANCE OF PROPERTY: The Owner will turn over the premises in a clean condition with everything in good working order. Resident agrees to indemnify Owner against any loss or liability arising out of Resident’s use of the property, including those using the property with Resident’s consent.

  5. MAINTENANCE: Resident agrees to maintain the premises during the period of this agreement. This includes woodwork, floors, walls, furnishings, windows, screens doors, and landscaping. The Owner is responsible for maintaining all fixtures, appliances, plumbing, electrical, heating, mechanical, and pool equipment unless the maintenance problem is caused by the Resident’s negligence.

  6. Resident acknowledges specific responsibility for replacing and/or cleaning filters on a/c and heating units. Any damages caused to units because of not changing and cleaning filters will be paid for by the Resident. Tacks, nails, or other hangers nailed or screwed into the walls or ceilings will be removed at the termination of this agreement. Damage caused by rain, hail or wind as a result of leaving windows or doors open, or damage caused by overflow of water, or stoppage of waste pipes, breakage of glass, damage to screens, deterioration of lawns and landscaping, whether caused by abuse or neglect is the responsibility of the Resident. Resident agrees to provide pest control in the event it is needed

  7. VEHICLES: Resident agrees never to park or store a motor home, recreational vehicle, or trailer of any type on the premises; and to park only residents automobiles described as follows: ONLY ON THE PAVED DRIVEWAYS PROVIDED. Resident agrees that no vehicle may be repaired, nor may any vehicle be stored on the property without a current registration and tag, except in the garage. RESIDENT AGREES THAT ANY VEHICLE PARKED ON ANY UNPAVED AREAS OR VEHICLE WITHOUT A CURRENT REGISTRATION MAY BE TOWED AND STORED AT RESIDENT’S EXPENSE BY "DIRECT TOWING" OR OTHER TOWING

  8. CLEANING: The owner agrees to turn over the premise in a clean condition and the Resident agrees to return the premise in like clean condition.

  9. SECURITY DEPOSIT: Resident agrees to pay a deposit in the amount of $3400 to secure residents pledge of full compliance with the terms of this agreement. The amount due from each resident is shown on the signature page as each resident’s prorated share of the deposit. Note: THE DEPOSIT MAY NOT BE USED BY TENANT TO PAY RENT DURING THE TENANCY!

  10. PETS: Resident agrees to pay a non-refundable pet fee of $50 per month per pet. An additional deposit of $500 will be required for pets. The only pets allowed on the premises are cats. The owner will consider Dogs on a case by case basis and the tenant must have signed permission by the owner to have dogs on the premises. All pets found on the property, but not registered under this agreement will be presumed to be strays and disposed of by the appropriate agency as prescribed by law. In the event a Resident harbors and undisclosed pet, they agree to pay a pet fee for the entire term of the agreement, regardless of when the pet was first introduced to the household. The Resident specifically understands and agrees: A. No pet which is attacked-trained or vicious, with a history of biting people or other animals, or of property damage will be kept on the premises; B. That the Resident is solely responsible for any and all damage caused by the Residents pet(s) to the owner’s property including, but not limited to the premises, carpeting, draperies, blinds, wall coverings, furnishings, appliances, and landscaping, including the lawn, and shrubbery; C. That in a like manner, he is responsible for any and all damage or loss to persons or property of others caused by the Resident’s pet(s) and in this regard does hereby agree to hold the owner harmless for any such damage; D. That all pet(s) should be cared for and maintained in a humane and lawful manner; E. That all pet waste shall be removed and disposed of promptly, including waste in neighbor’s yards distributed by Resident’s pets; F. That all pets shall be maintained so as to not cause annoyance to others.

  11. RESIDENT’S OBLIGATIONS: The Resident agrees to meet all of resident’s obligations; including: A. Taking affirmative action to insure that nothing exists which might place the owner in violation of applicable building, housing and health codes. B. Keeping the dwelling clean, and sanitary; removing garbage and trash as they accumulate, and keeping drains and toilets free of clogs. C. Operate all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, a/c, and other appliances in a reasonable and safe manner. D. Assuring that property belonging to the owner is safeguarded against damage, destruction, loss, removal, or theft. E. Conducting him/herself, his/her family, friends, guests and visitors in a manner which will not disturb others. Resident warrants that he/she will meet the above conditions in every respect, and acknowledges that failure to do so will be grounds for termination of this agreement and loss of all deposits without further recourse.

  12. SUBLETTING: Resident agrees not to assign this agreement, nor to sub-let any part of the property, nor to allow any other person to live therein other than those specifically named in this contract without first requesting permission from the Owner. The owner agrees to allow subletting for the whole house or any room therein. Subletting may only occur if the subleases meet the same standards that the original leases met.

  13. COURT COSTS: Should legal action be necessary, the prevailing party will be reimbursed for their legal fees. In the event any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be unsupportable under the law, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and subject to enforcement in the courts without exception.

  14. OWNER’S STATEMENTS: All rights given to the Owner by this agreement shall be cumulative in addition to any other laws which might exist or come into being. Any exercise or failure to exercise, by the Owner of any right shall not act as a waiver of any other rights. No statement or promise of Owner or his agent as to tenancy, repairs, alternations, or other terms and conditions shall be binding unless specified in writing and specifically endorsed.

  15. PARTIAL PAYMENT: The acceptance by the Owner of partial payments of rent due shall not under any circumstance, constitute a waiver of the Owner, nor affect any notice or legal eviction proceedings in theretofore given or commenced under state law.

  16. ABANDONMENT: If Resident leaves said premises unoccupied for 15 days while rent is due and unpaid, Owner is granted the right hereunder to take immediate possession thereof and to exclude Resident there from; removing at his/her expense all his/her property contained therein and placing it into storage at Resident’s expense.

  17. RIGHT TO SIGN: The individual(s) signing this Lease/Rental Agreement as to Resident stipulates and warrants that he/she/they have the right to sign.

  18. UTILITIES: Residents shall be responsible for payments of all utilities, garbage, water and sewer charges, telephone, gas or other bills incurred during their residency. They specifically authorize the Owner to deduct amounts of unpaid bills from their deposits in the event they remain unpaid after the termination of this agreement.

  19. PERSONAL PROPERTY: No rights of storage are given by this agreement. The owner shall not be liable for any loss of personal injury or property by fire, theft, breakage, burglary, or otherwise, for any accidental damage to persons, guests, or property in or about the leased/rented property resulting from electrical failure, water, rain, windstorm, or any act of God or nature. Resident covenants and agrees to make no claim for any such damages or loss against owner, but to purchase needed "renters insurance" or to provide self-insurance in adequate amounts to offset any risk

  20. REMOVAL OF PROPERTY: Resident agrees not to remove or alter in any way owner’s property without specific written permission from the owner. Any removal or alteration of owner’s property without permission shall constitute abandonment and surrender of the premises, and termination by the tenant of this agreement Owner may take immediate possession and exclude Residents from the property, storing all Residents possessions at Resident’s expense pending reimbursement in full for owner’s loss and damages.

  21. WATERBEDS: In the event any occupant of the premises shall use a flotation bedding system, the Resident shall carry an insurance policy with a loss payable clause payable to the owner. This policy should cover personal injury and damage to the owner, and should be in a form standard to the industry. The minimum limits should be $ 100,000. In the event the Resident installs a flotation bed installation, then the Resident is in default, and owner will have remedies as per paragraph 20 above.

  22. TERMINATION: After one month’s rental payment has been received, this agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of the parties. In such a case Deposits will remain in the possession of the owner.

  23. METHOD OF PAYMENT: The initial payment of rent and deposits under this agreement must be made in cash, or cashier’s check drawn on a local financial institution. Checks may be accepted with owner approval. Thereafter, monthly rent payments may be paid by check until the first check is dishonored and returned unpaid. Regardless of cause, no other additional payments may afterwards be made by check. Checks returned will not be re-deposited. The Resident will be notified by a 3 day notice, and will be required to pay the amount due, including the bad check charge, in cash. Resident is aware that owner may report past rent, damages, utilities or other costs owed by Resident to credit reporting agencies. Resident understands this reporting could affect Resident's ability to obtain credit for future housing.

  24. DELIVERY OF RENTS: Rents must be hand delivered to the Owner or delivered by mail to an address the owner provides. Any rents lost in the mail will be treated as if unpaid until received by Owner. It is recommended that payment made in cash or money order be delivered in person to the owner. Only rents received by mail or in person on or before the due date will qualify as paid rent.

  25. RETURN OF DEPOSIT: Security deposits will be deposited for the Resident’s benefit in a non-interest bearing bank account. Release of these deposits is subject to the provisions of State Statues and as follows: A. The full term of this agreement has been completed. B. Formal written notice has been given. C. No damage or deterioration to the premises, building(s), or grounds is evident, other than normal wear. D. The entire dwelling, appliance, closets and cupboards, are clean and left free of insects, the refrigerator is defrosted, and all debris and rubbish has been removed from the property; the carpets are cleaned and left odorless. E. Any and all unpaid charges, pet charges, late charges, extra visitor charges, delinquent rents, utility charges, etc., have been paid in full. F. All keys have been returned, including keys to any new locks installed while resident was in possession. G. A forwarding address has been left with the owner. Thirty days after termination of occupancy, the owner will send the balance of the deposit to the address provided by the Resident, payable to the signatories hereto, or owner will impose a claim on the deposit and so notify the Resident by certified letter. If such written claim is not sent, the owner relinquishes his right to make any further claim on the deposit and must return it to the Resident provided Resident has given the Owner notice of intent to vacate, abandon, and terminate this agreement proper to the expiration of its full term, at least 7 days in advance.

  26. GAS, ELECTRIC AND WATER: Resident agrees to transfer the gas, electric, and water service charges to their name immediately upon occupancy and to make arrangements for meter readings as needed.

  27. TEN (10) DAY INSPECTION: Under the terms of this lease/rental agreement, Residents will provide the owner with a completed inspection statement that the Resident creates. It is their obligation to inspect the premises and to fill out and return to the Owner their inspection sheet within 10 days after taking possession of the premises. It will be presumed that the house is functioning in a satisfactory manner in all respects after the expiration of the 10 days. Resident agrees that failure to file such a statement shall be conclusive proof that there were no outwardly apparent defects of note in the property.

  28. OWNERS AGENTS AND ACCESS: The owner may be represented by an agent who will carry identification. Resident specifically agrees to permit the owner or agent(s) access to the premises for the purposes of inspection, repairs, or to show the property to another person at reasonable hours, on request. Resident will also allow signage in the yard.

  29. REPAIRS: The Resident(s) will be responsible for the cost of repairs caused by their negligence. The Resident(s) will notify the Owner of needed repairs not caused by their negligence. It is agreed by both parties that the Owner’s failure to make repairs in a timely manner will allow the Resident to contract for the repair at the Owner’s expense and deduct the expense from the next months rent. Any improvement made by the tenant shall become the property of the Owner at the conclusion of this agreement.

  30. WORKER’S WARRANTY: All parties to this agreement warrant that any work or repairs performed by the Resident will be undertaken only if he/she is competent and qualified to perform it, and the person performing the work will be totally responsible for all activities to assure they are done in a safe manner which will meet all applicable statutes. They further warrant that they will be accountable for any mishaps or accidents resulting from such work, and that they will hold the Owner free from harm, litigation or claims of any other person.

  31. RADON: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon gas that exceeds Federal and State guidelines have been found in buildings. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health office.

  32. LEAD-BASED PAINT: Houses built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not taken care of properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, landlords must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Tenants must also receive a federally approved pamphlet of lead poisoning prevention.

  33. SMOKE DETECTORS: Smoke detectors have been installed in this residence. It’s the tenant’s responsibility to maintain its appliance including testing periodically and replacing batteries as recommended by the manufacturer. In the event the detector is missing or inoperative, the tenant has an affirmative duty to notify the landlord immediately. Residents are responsible for any and all damages due to missing or broken smoke detectors if no notification is given to the owner of there faulty condition.

  34. DEFAULT BY RESIDENT: Any breach or violation of any provision of this contract by Resident or any untrue or misleading information in Resident’s application shall give the Owner or his agent’s the right to terminate this contract, evict the Resident and to take possession of the residence. The Resident agrees to a forfeiture of the security deposit and Owner may still purse any remaining amounts due and owing. Resident’s liability for any remaining amounts due and owing is limited to a prorated share, unless determined directly responsible.

  35. SHOWING HOUSE: Landlord reserves the right to show the house to prospective tenants at any time given he provides tenants with 24hours notice. Tenants will keep the house in clean and working order during this time.

  36. BANKRUPTCY: In the event of bankruptcy or state insolvency proceeding being filed against the Resident, his heirs, or assign, at the option of Owner, his agent, heirs, or assigns, and immediately declare this contract null and void, and to once resume possession of the premises. No judicial officer shall ever have any rights, title, or interest in or to the above-described property by virtue of this agreement.

  37. RENEWAL TERM: At the end of initial term herein, as per page 1, owner may elect to renew for another term but at a rental increase of 3% to 5% of current rental rate depending on the market index.

I'm 38. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: In this agreement the singular number where used will also include the plural, the Masculine gender will include the Feminine, the term Owner will include Landlord, Lesser, and the term Resident will include Tenant, Lessee. The below-signed parties acknowledge that they have read and understand all of the provisions of this agreement. This contract is bound by all heirs, executors, successors and/or assigns.

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 08:30AM by DrCharlesTheCatPhD legaladvice

[Academic] Refrigerators and Water Containers (Owners of Functioning Refrigerators) SampleSize

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 05:19AM by ThatWasMyIntention SampleSize

Free Admiral 16.2 CFT Refrigerator (Lincoln Place) FreeStuffNYC

Top Freezer. Working fine and clean. You pick up from second floor. I'd like this to go for re use not scrap. Contact for details.

from Craigslist


Submitted October 01, 2015 at 03:09AM by fiplefip FreeStuffNYC

Weekly 2-day commute without a fridge - Please help! EatCheapAndHealthy

Hi guys!

I need some nutritional/logistical help. I recently started commuting to school after taking a year off to deal with some health problems. The city that I'm going to is a couple of hours away, so every week I'm spending two consecutive nights with family members. I am trying to bring my own food so as not to impose on them, but there are a few constraints that make this situation tricky:

  1. I don't have a car, so I've been carrying all food (dinner for Day 1, breakfasts and lunches for Days 2 and 3, and dinner for Day 2) in my backpack. I'm trying to keep it simple and relatively compact, as I also have books, clothes, etc. for my days in the city.

  2. I'm not staying in the same place on days 1 and 2. This means that I can't just drop my stuff off and leave food in a fridge; I am bringing everything to and from school while I'm in the city. Really inconvenient, but I do have a locker, so I don't have to lug a bag of groceries around to all of my classes, and I can leave nonperishables overnight to lighten my load.

I've experimented with my routine since school started a couple of weeks ago, and I'm finding a few things successful --- oatmeal for breakfast, leaving a couple of apples and protein bars in my locker. Real protein is a bit more complicated. I tried hardboiled eggs, but they seem a bit shady after awhile. Same with leftover meals in tupperware. One thing I'm sure of is that I definitely need a good lunchbox.

At this point, I'm thinking that I'll have to bring SOME stuff and supplement with fresh food from a local grocery store once I get there, but I want to be smart about it so that I don't resort to expensive prepared meals or eating out.

My questions specifically:

  • Any recommendations for an insulated lunchbox that will keep perishables fresh for long days?

  • Non-refrigerator meal ideas?

  • Half-meal ideas to which I can add fresh ingredients when I arrive at my destination?

Trying to make the best of a far-from-optimal routine. Thanks in advance for any input you may have!

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 03:35AM by 61104 EatCheapAndHealthy

Lease said I would get two garage remotes and a parking space. Turns out I didn't get them. RealEstate

I live in a duplex. I live in Unit B. Unit A has a garage that can fit two cars. One car is parked there and the other side of the garage has a refrigerator and a dining table. My real estate agent told me to contact my portfolio director to figure out the parking situation. Before I do, I just want to see if these documents I signed have to be obliged. First time signing documents to a lease and unsure of protocol. Thank you.

Here are the pictures of the lease:

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 02:47AM by PSSYPUNISHERRR RealEstate

On the subject of the well stocked fridge and going home to "fuck the prom queen." TheRedPill


Abundance Mentality is the concept that there are so many women in the world that any particular one is actually getting in the way of what you want to do. Therefore, like opening a fridge full of nutritious food that takes too much effort to prepare, your mindset should be that a woman is too much effort to deal with, and therefore she needs to do the work if she wants to get with you. Make her prove to you why she is better for you than the 3.6 billion other women on this rock. Even "scoring" (defined however you like) is too much effort and is one more chore between you and whatever it is that you want to accomplish on any given day, therefore it is critical to act as if you have been there before and expect to be there again, and your 'score' is just one more goddamn thing you have to do before you can go home and do... whatever. (I use the metaphor "fuck the prom queen.")


In my studies of TRP foundation material, I have hit upon what I think may be a very good metaphor that approximates the idea of Abundance Mentality. In athletics, when I coached team sports, I always admonished my teams to act like they had been there before, and expect to be there again. Instead of wildly celebrating home runs and touchdowns, merely yawn and return to the dugout or sideline as if you are so used to scoring that it now bores you to do so. I wanted my players to act almost as if the very concept of winning the game was just another chore they had to do in order to go home and 'fuck the prom queen'. This, however, is not the metaphor of which I wish to speak.

Go to your refrigerator. It's okay. I'll wait. How many times have you opened that door, looked at the massive amounts of food that would make a Pashtun family sob with gratefulness, sighed, and closed it again without making a selection because all of the nummies in there were too much fucking effort to prepare? Why do you do this? Because you are not really hungry! Then you hit the pantry and mash fists full of Cap'n Crunch into your maw. (Seriously, stop doing that and start eating better.)

Think of your approach. You're at the club, and you look across the room to see an HB8 sitting with her friends. Amazingly, she's not there with a guy, and you want to talk to her. That's your snack, and she is the only thing you're looking for when you open the fridge.

This, then, is your problem and your curse. You must learn to cultivate the same bored mentality that you have when you swing that door wide and the seven watt bulb brightens your life. Say to yourself, "Fuck. Blondes again? I was really hoping for a brunette. Meh." This is the exact thing that you think when you open the refrigerator and see piles of nutritious food that is too much work to satisfy your immediate desire for gratification.

One of the key aspects of Abundance Mentality is the concept that women are a chore, and I am not doing the work required to get with any particular one. Certainly, I do the work in general. I lift. I eat right. I edify my mind and study and improve myself. But I am damn sure not doing it for Candace or Brittany or Stacy or Patricia. I'm doing it for me. The fact that it coincidentally raises my SMV to where Candi, Britts, Stace, and Patti want to pepper my biscuit is merely icing on a cake made out of "Shut the fuck up, this is about me." Therefore, any woman who is interested must herself do the work.

I've interwoven two metaphors here. First is the idea that the club/bar/wherever you meet girls is a refrigerator that is stocked with amazing food, all of which is going to take way too long to prepare, so why bother?

Second, and perhaps even more important, Scoring is something we expect to do, so act like you've been there before, you expect to be there again, and it is just one more chore you have to complete before you get to go home and fuck the prom queen.

How you define score is up to you. Perhaps you are early in your TRP evolution and merely getting a girl's number is your end game. Maybe you're further along and want to get a kiss-close. Maybe you're at the top of your game and are looking for a F-close. None of this is particularly important to the main point, which is that this close is one more chore before you can go home and fuck the prom queen.

Maybe your "prom queen" is working out. Maybe it's reading a good book, or hanging out with your friends. Consider this woman to be an interruption to that. She is one more chore before you can complete what you want to do.

TL;DR: A fridge is full of great food we choose to ignore because it is too much effort to make. Abundance Mentality is taking that same sigh of, "There's nothing to eat!" with us when we see women, because the effort of preparation isn't worth the tastiness of the snack. Coupled with the idea that 'I have been here before and expect to be here again', the idea is to remove the pedestal from women by reminding yourself that they are a task you must accomplish before you can do what you really want to do.

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 01:16AM by Kolbath TheRedPill

Hey Reddit, what necessary/interesting printable things everybody should have hanged on his wall/refrigerator? AskReddit

No text found

Submitted October 01, 2015 at 12:28AM by firmakind AskReddit

free refrigerator (Throgs Neck) FreeStuffNYC

free refrigerator. freezer and fridge work fine but leaks water from the bottom from time to time.

from Craigslist


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 09:19PM by fiplefip FreeStuffNYC

Tips for keeping your bouquet fresh? weddingplanning

Hi all,

What is the best way to keep a bouquet fresh for two days? I have to pick up my bouquet a little early (a day and a half before the ceremony), and I was hoping that there's a way to make it last. I could theoretically get it one day early instead of a day and a half, but it wouldn't be ideal for the pre-wedding schedule.

Should I keep it in the refrigerator in water? Or should I keep it at room temperature? Should I keep the flowers themselves covered with plastic so they don't dry out?

How long have you guys kept your bouquets looking fresh?

Any tips would be appreciated!

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 09:10PM by solinaceae weddingplanning

Grocery List Feedback Fitness

Hey /r/Fitness, I've recently been trying to clean up my diet, after a summer of stupidly following a "Keto" No carb, Hi Protein, Hi Fat, fad diet. Doing more research, I'm trying to simplify my diet and keep my shopping pretty fitness-minded. Below is a list o basically everything I buy and consume, I wanted to see if any seasoned veterans of clean eating see any major red flags with my pantry & refrigerator. For context, I'm a college student with a pretty packed schedule, so I try to buy things that will either freeze well, or have shelf lives that give me some time to bulk prepare things. I'm 6'2", 230 lbs, approx. 22% BF and trying to get that % down.

Carbs - Whole wheat bread (I try to get Ezekiel bread, but it is not in stock sometimes)

  • Whole wheat pasta

  • Black Beans

  • Baked Beans

  • Whole wheat flour tortillas

  • Quaker steel cut oats

  • Brown & Yellow rice

  • Red Delicious Apples

  • Bananas

  • Frozen Vegetables (Broccoli, Carrots, Peas, Corn)

  • Bell Peppers

  • Powdered Mashed Potatoes

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Salads (Pre-packaged with my grocer, usually include lettuce, a bit of cheese, kale/spinach, some nuts, and about 1.5 tablespoons of vinaigrette for 4 servings)

Protein - Lean ground beef

  • Ground Turkey

  • Canned Tuna

  • Boneless, Skinless Chicken breasts

  • Frozen Tilapia fillets

  • frozen chicken tenderloins

  • Cottage Cheese (small curd, if that matters)

  • Regular-fat vanilla Greek Yogurt

  • Creamy peanut butter

  • Eggs

  • Unseasoned Turkey Bacon

  • Vacuum packaged lunch meat

Fat - Avocados

  • shredded cheddar & mozzarella
  • sour cream
  • Olive & Vegetable Oils
  • Unsalted almonds

Miscellaneous, Flavorings & Condiments - Ketchup

  • Mayonnaise
  • Agave Nectar
  • Stevia (for coffee)
  • Keurig K-Cups Flavored Coffee
  • Chocolate Syrup
  • Jarred Picante Salsa
  • Hot Sauce
  • Jarred Spaghetti Sauce
  • Pancake Mix

As far as supplements go, I take a daily multivitamin, preworkout for sluggish days before going to the gym, and 2 scoops of whey after workouts of MyProtein Impact Whey. I understand that the quality of my diet is going to be largely based on portion control and consistency, but for the most part my goal is to stay away from buying bags of chips and snacks that could mess me up.

tl;dr - This is my basic shopping list, How much do I suck?

edit - fucking hell, finally got the format down

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 08:16PM by Captainpotato22 Fitness

Do you keep your ketchup in the refrigerator or cabinet/pantry? AskReddit

No text found

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 07:59PM by WhatanUnusualname AskReddit

free disassembled metal shelving - free working refrigerator (Chelsea) FreeStuffNYC

Moving out of the current office. White refrigerator works and is free. Also have disassembled metal shelving in good shape for scrap or reuse. Must pick up today by noon. Freight elevator, ill help load at least on office level (bring an extra cart [...]

from Craigslist


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 06:53PM by fiplefip FreeStuffNYC

Am I justified in asking in asking my flatmate to move out, or unknowingly being an unreasonable dick ? Advice

I have rented a 3 BHK apartment, where I stay in one of the rooms, and have found two other people to occupy the other two rooms.

Two months back, a person (lets call him X) moved into the apartment to occupy one of the rooms, and when I showed him the place, I made it very clear that our expectation was that the person moving in bought a microwave and a television (the rest of the furnishings are bought by the other two of us, so its fair). Since I like being frank and not hiding anything - I stated it upfront, along with the rent and security deposit and he readily agreed saying he was acceptable with it. He seemed like a nice guy - we asked him to move in.

Now, there is a concept of a Security Deposit, that each occupant needs to pay - it's a fairly large sum, that is kept with the landlord, while staying, which gets refunded when leaving). A day before he moved in, he told me he was short on money, and whether I could pay the deposit for him - he would pay me when he got his salary in the first week of August. I was accommodating and I agreed paying for him.

10th Aug - he hasn't paid the money or said anything yet. I wait for a few days and politely ask him - he says he has forgotten and apologises, saying he will transfer immediately.

14th Aug - Still no transfer. I ask him politely once more - he says he is sorry but he is low on cash, and that he will transfer 10%, and if he can transfer the rest in a week.

20th Aug - Still no transfer. I go to his room, and say I won't leave till he transfers the 10% (something better than nothing). He does it.

30th Aug - Ask him for the rest - he says he will pay it when he gets his salary first week of Sept.

First week of Sept - No money paid, I go to him and tell him I'm desperate for money, and that I need it - he says he will transfer 40% of the remaining. And if he can transfer the rest in 3-4 days.

It is now end of September, and he still hasn't transferred the rest of the money. He hasn't bought either the microwave or the television, despite my repeatedly requesting him, even though he has been using all our furnishings in the house like the Refrigerator, washing machine, etc. He made no mention of even getting any of those items, and whenever asked, says, "Sure sure, I'll get it.", And we never hear anything.

I finally had enough, and I told him last evening that he needed to vacate at the end of October - he seemed really remorseful, and apologised and admitted to his mistakes, and asked if we could give him another chance, and that he genuinely forgot all those times, and he should've told me upfront that he was going to take some time to pay it.

I told him I had enough, but he kept pleading for another chance . At the end it, I genuinely started feeling bad for him, and felt like I was being an asshole. But before the conversation, I was sick and tired of having had my trust betrayed, torn to shreds, in multiple avenues (the money/the furnishings/etc). I am someone for him the ethics, and integrity of a person is really important, and I can't put up with someone who destroys all trust like this. But now I feel bad after he pleaded so much yesterday.

Redditors, do you think I am justified in asking him to leave, or am I being an unreasonable asshole ? From my experience, such people actually never change, and will just cause more worry in future. Please advice!

tl;dr --> Flatmate moved in, and said he would pay the upfront amount later. Still hasnt paid in two months after REPEATED requests. Hasn't honoured his other commitments as well. I asked him to leave - he pleaded for another chance. Am I being a dick ?

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 04:38PM by hakuna-matata1 Advice

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Antiquing didn't turn out exactly how we planned (Part 2) nosleep

I was at work the first time Elisha saw one of the dream characters in the house. I didn’t know that she had called because I never keep my phone on me when we’re broadcasting. If it started vibrating or ringing while we were live, they would have my ass. When we finished up, I got back in my truck and saw 8 missed calls between 6:00 and 8:00am. My heart started hammering as I called her back, and I slammed the truck into gear, peeling out of the lot.

She answered on the fourth ring, still sobbing.

“Babe?” I began, “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” I tried to keep the panic out of my voice, but it faltered at the end.

She struggled to catch her breath, and managed to croak out, “Baby’s fine, I saw-” before choking on the words. I blew through several stop signs, praying to God that no one got in my way and doing my best to comfort Elisha. Finally her breathing steadied and she was able to tell me what was going on.

“It was Todd. And Suzie and Will too, but they didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Wait, Elisha, are you talking about a dream?” I replied, feeling a little sour that she may have worried me for nothing. Suzie and Will are the old black lady and little troublemaker I mentioned before. Todd was another story. Elisha hated the dreams he showed his face in. He was mean, sadistic even, and he loved to torment Will in particular.

“This wasn’t a dream, Daniel,” she snapped. She rarely used my full name, and it sobered me immediately. “I saw them. I saw them in the house.”

My mind began racing. The first conclusion I could reach was that my wife was hallucinating. It’s not uncommon for things like this to happen to pregnant women, right? In retrospect I was being pretty chauvinistic, but I was tired and I had already violated enough traffic laws to cost a fortune or even my license if a cop had seen me. I wasn’t in the mood for nonsense.

But I was a good husband. I took a deep breath and let go of my frustration. It didn’t matter what was going on, my wife was terrified, and it was my job to make sure she was okay.

“Sweetie,” I said softly, “Where are you right now?”

“I’m in the bedroom. I locked the door after Todd started knocking. I…” she stopped to whimper a bit before continuing. “I thought he was going to hurt me and the baby!” Just like that, she was hysterical again.

Then I heard it myself. Three distinct raps on the wooden door of the bedroom. Elisha screamed my name and I could hear the phone switch over to speaker. The white noise of the room got a bit louder, and my wife’s crying became part of the wider spectrum of sound. The knocks sounded on the door, louder this time, and the hair on my arms stood on end. I whipped around the last corner onto our street and slammed on the breaks in front of the house. With the phone pressed to my ear, I sprinted the ten feet or so to the front door.

“Elisha, baby, I’m outside, I’m almost there!” I said as I turned the handle of the front door. It was locked, just like I left it. I kept talking as I fumbled with the keys, “I’m coming, I promise! I promise it’ll be okay!” I pushed the door open, and as the morning light fell across the dark living room, the pounding coming from my phone subsided. Only my wife’s cries remained.

It took me the better part of an hour to convince her to open the bedroom door and let me in. I finally had to send her a picture from my phone camera to prove it was really me before she undid the lock. I didn’t touch the door, I let her open it herself for fear of startling her. As soon as she saw my face, she threw open the door and rushed into my arms. I went through the process of talking her down again, and eventually she told me the whole story.

After I had left for work that morning around 4:00am, she went back to sleep. She had been sleeping later than usual since she got into the second trimester, but that day she woke with a start around 6:00. She couldn’t get back to sleep, so she decided to make some coffee and check the news. She had gotten the coffee maker started when she heard a sound behind her and turned to find Suzie in the rocking chair. It was her favorite spot in Elisha’s dreams, but she wasn’t dreaming anymore. Suzie smiled at her and said good morning, stitching something in her hands all the while. Elisha dropped the mug she was holding, which shattered on the tile floor.

That’s when Will appeared from the hallway. He murmured something about noise before settling on the couch. Suzie mussed his hair and told him to go back to sleep.

“Elisha isn’t ready to see us yet,” Suzie said. “We don’t want to scare her, honey.”

“We don’t?” said a deep voice from the opposite corner, to Elisha’s left. That corner houses our small dining table, and it doesn’t get much natural light. Elisha jumped when she heard the voice and backed up to the refrigerator as Todd strolled out of the shadows. He was a tall man, and thin as a reed. His face was sunken and his bones showed sharply under his skin. His eyes were always wide and he tended to keep his mouth open and slightly slack.

“I have every intention of scaring her,” he snarled. He took one step toward Elisha before she bolted

Elisha ran and locked herself in the bedroom, which is when she tried to call me. For two hours Todd stalked outside the door, knocking every once in a while, but never speaking. The attack became more aggressive when I called her back, but as soon as the front door opened, it stopped. I found the full coffee pot on the counter and the shattered mug on the floor. Everything in the house seemed to assure me that Elisha was telling the truth.

But how could that be? What was going on in my house? The weeks that followed were horrible and pushed us and our marriage to the boiling point.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 07:16AM by MyTchotchkes nosleep

free refrigerator (Throgs Neck) FreeStuffNYC

free refrigerator. freezer and fridge work fine but leaks water from the bottom from time to time.

from Craigslist


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 07:07AM by fiplefip FreeStuffNYC

Antiquing didn't turn out exactly how we planned (Part 2) nosleep

I was at work the first time Elisha saw one of the dream characters in the house. I didn’t know that she had called because I never keep my phone on me when we’re broadcasting. If it started vibrating or ringing while we were live, they would have my ass. When we finished up, I got back in my truck and saw 8 missed calls between 6:00 and 8:00am. My heart started hammering as I called her back, and I slammed the truck into gear, peeling out of the lot.

She answered on the fourth ring, still sobbing.

“Babe?” I began, “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” I tried to keep the panic out of my voice, but it faltered at the end.

She struggled to catch her breath, and managed to croak out, “Baby’s fine, I saw-” before choking on the words. I blew through several stop signs, praying to God that no one got in my way and doing my best to comfort Elisha. Finally her breathing steadied and she was able to tell me what was going on.

“It was Todd. And Suzie and Will too, but they didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Wait, Elisha, are you talking about a dream?” I replied, feeling a little sour that she may have worried me for nothing. Suzie and Will are the old black lady and little troublemaker I mentioned before. Todd was another story. Elisha hated the dreams he showed his face in. He was mean, sadistic even, and he loved to torment Will in particular.

“This wasn’t a dream, Daniel,” she snapped. She rarely used my full name, and it sobered me immediately. “I saw them. I saw them in the house.”

My mind began racing. The first conclusion I could reach was that my wife was hallucinating. It’s not uncommon for things like this to happen to pregnant women, right? In retrospect I was being pretty chauvinistic, but I was tired and I had already violated enough traffic laws to cost a fortune or even my license if a cop had seen me. I wasn’t in the mood for nonsense.

But I was a good husband. I took a deep breath and let go of my frustration. It didn’t matter what was going on, my wife was terrified, and it was my job to make sure she was okay.

“Sweetie,” I said softly, “Where are you right now?”

“I’m in the bedroom. I locked the door after Todd started knocking. I…” she stopped to whimper a bit before continuing. “I thought he was going to hurt me and the baby!” Just like that, she was hysterical again.

Then I heard it myself. Three distinct raps on the wooden door of the bedroom. Elisha screamed my name and I could hear the phone switch over to speaker. The white noise of the room got a bit louder, and my wife’s crying became part of the wider spectrum of sound. The knocks sounded on the door, louder this time, and the hair on my arms stood on end. I whipped around the last corner onto our street and slammed on the breaks in front of the house. With the phone pressed to my ear, I sprinted the ten feet or so to the front door.

“Elisha, baby, I’m outside, I’m almost there!” I said as I turned the handle of the front door. It was locked, just like I left it. I kept talking as I fumbled with the keys, “I’m coming, I promise! I promise it’ll be okay!” I pushed the door open, and as the morning light fell across the dark living room, the pounding coming from my phone subsided. Only my wife’s cries remained.

It took me the better part of an hour to convince her to open the bedroom door and let me in. I finally had to send her a picture from my phone camera to prove it was really me before she undid the lock. I didn’t touch the door, I let her open it herself for fear of startling her. As soon as she saw my face, she threw open the door and rushed into my arms. I went through the process of talking her down again, and eventually she told me the whole story.

After I had left for work that morning around 4:00am, she went back to sleep. She had been sleeping later than usual since she got into the second trimester, but that day she woke with a start around 6:00. She couldn’t get back to sleep, so she decided to make some coffee and check the news. She had gotten the coffee maker started when she heard a sound behind her and turned to find Suzie in the rocking chair. It was her favorite spot in Elisha’s dreams, but she wasn’t dreaming anymore. Suzie smiled at her and said good morning, stitching something in her hands all the while. Elisha dropped the mug she was holding, which shattered on the tile floor.

That’s when Will appeared from the hallway. He murmured something about noise before settling on the couch. Suzie mussed his hair and told him to go back to sleep.

“Elisha isn’t ready to see us yet,” Suzie said. “We don’t want to scare her, honey.”

“We don’t?” said a deep voice from the opposite corner, to Elisha’s left. That corner houses our small dining table, and it doesn’t get much natural light. Elisha jumped when she heard the voice and backed up to the refrigerator as Todd strolled out of the shadows. He was a tall man, and thin as a reed. His face was sunken and his bones showed sharply under his skin. His eyes were always wide and he tended to keep his mouth open and slightly slack.

“I have every intention of scaring her,” he snarled. He took one step toward Elisha before she bolted

Elisha ran and locked herself in the bedroom, which is when she tried to call me. For two hours Todd stalked outside the door, knocking every once in a while, but never speaking. The attack became more aggressive when I called her back, but as soon as the front door opened, it stopped. I found the full coffee pot on the counter and the shattered mug on the floor. Everything in the house seemed to assure me that Elisha was telling the truth.

But how could that be? What was going on in my house? The weeks that followed were horrible and pushed us and our marriage to the boiling point.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 07:16AM by MyTchotchkes nosleep

Just had the worst anxiety attack ever last weekend. I've finally admitted I need help, I just don't know where to start Anxiety

I'm really nervous to post this but here it goes. Sorry for the wall of text. I have had issues with anxiety for some time now. I'm even described as a "worry wart" by the people who know me well. But it goes deeper than just worry, it's a constant downward spiral that keeps me from functioning on most days and this weekend was the worst anxiety attack I've had yet.

It started Thursday when I checked my grades online. I had recently turned in some work for my college history class. All looked great until I saw that my 10 page paper received a 0/100. I freaked out and burst into tears. In my mind, I jumped to the worst possible conclusion. My school is really big on plagiarism, so I thought maybe I cited something wrong on accident. That would mean I could be kicked from the school. Even if that wasn't the case, this is a senior level class which I needed to get special permission to get into. I could be kicked from my program for failing this class. All I could think about all weekend was how I was such a disappointment for failing, I will never find a job, my family and friends will be let down by me. I guess any college student would be a little nervous about a 0/100 but I took it to another level. I literally couldn't do anything all weekend except play video games, which was the only thing that kept me from thinking about the paper. It literally made me sick to my stomach. My husband told me I was jumping to conclusions (as usual) but I was positive my college life was over.

Monday morning comes around and I finally get in touch with my professor. He was confused as to why I was concerned about my paper because according to him, I made top marks. Coming to find out, my grade was accidentally switched with another student.....I made an A. All of that worry for nothing. All that worry ruined my weekend and it's my fault.

And this is only one example. I don't want to admit that I have this problem but I can't keep going on like this. It's not healthy and it leaves me stressed. I always feel like I'm trapped in my own mind where I'm thinking about 100 things at once and ALWAYS coming up with the worst possible conclusion. Example: My husband is 10 minutes late from work? My mind tells me he was in a car crash or worse. I also have a problem with making lists. I make to-do lists of things that need to be done but I put so much stuff on the list, it's impossible to get everything done. My husband tells me to prioritize important things first, then go from there but I have a really hard time doing that because to me, everything has equal importance. For example, I need to study but I can't concentrate with the living room so cluttered but I also really need to go grocery shopping and to do that I need to clean out the refrigerator. So I end up doing 4 things at once and it always ends in disaster with nothing getting done. And then I feel like a lousy person for not being able to complete simple tasks.

I really want to get help for this. My dad also has anxiety but is much worse than me. I don't want to put this off any longer and make it worse like he did. I want to talk to someone who can help me sort this out but I'm scared to even do that.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 04:55AM by MekkoLove Anxiety

The exact moment they hear the refrigerator open aww

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 03:59AM by Quizchris aww

The exact moment they hear the refrigerator opening funny

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 02:38AM by Quizchris funny

Where can you sell an antique safe the size of a refrigerator? houston

Boss died and dissolved the company. For what ever reason I was left the company safe, free on contents. Thing weighs about 2 tons at least, needed a front loader to move it with men hanging off the back for ballast. Problem is I don't need it. It belonged to the Stratford hotel on Fannin, hotel was built in 1912, torn down in 1956. After doing homework it's worth about $6k, but I don't have the slightest idea how to sell it. Not something you can just put on Ebay.

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 02:36AM by TheGlen houston

The exact moment they hear the refrigerator opening funny

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 02:38AM by Quizchris funny

Maytag Refrigerator no power to icemaker, tried everything but a service call. fixit

I hope you all can help me. I've tried about everything I know to fix my refrigerator to no avail. I have a Model-MSD265MHEB Maytag Refrigerator here is the problem:

My icemaker/water dispenser doesn't work. The ice maker doesn't work if the power to the water dispenser is off. It is my understanding that no power is supplied to the unit while the door is open. My first thought was it must be a switch issue because if I press down the switch and open the door halfway the water dispenser powers on.

I replaced the switch, no changes. Thinking the problem may be a short in the wiring I took off the hinge on top and checked all the wires. No open wires or anything. Then when I put it back together, it no longer worked even with the door halfway open.

My only idea at this point is that the wiring between the door and the icemaker must have a short in it. Since the wiring goes into the hole where the hinge is when the door opens and closes the wires turn and must be shorting out. There is no easy way to access these wires since they are inside the freezer door. I purchased epoxy and tried to rip off the plastic inside the freezer door and it's pretty well attached, not to mention I think the wires are actually behind a wall of insulation.

Not only do I really like cold water, I hate having so much of my freezer taken up by this non working contraption.

Any ideas?

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 01:43AM by Zebrasoma fixit

Fed Up With Elderly People in My Life confession

[Remorse]: If you feel bad

I’m not even sure I feel bad about this. I feel confused and I feel like it makes me a bad person, but I don’t really doubt my perspective. I sometimes wonder if I have just had some very bad luck with elderly people or if the problem is on my end. I know I struggle with some of the same physical issues as old people and I feel angry sometimes that they are unable to accommodate me—ever—without making a huge issue of it and saying all the worst possible things you can say to someone with my disabilities. I seem to inevitably run out of patience, part of the problem being that mine is a bit more finite than the average person for reasons that are somewhat out of my control.

I also feel somewhat isolated in my perceptions because so many other people are able to love unconditionally and see this as a virtue. I was never loved unconditionally as a child and I really don’t have that ability. If someone is unable to listen to me at all, cannot accommodate my needs at all, and responds to things I do and say aggressively and critically without even knowing what they are talking about, then I can’t help asking myself this question: Why am I bending over backwards to respect someone who obstinately refuses to respect me back?

I think I have a decent amount of empathy for some of the issues that elderly people struggle with and the diverse personalities, insights, and stories they have to offer, which is why I try to be a listener, let the small things go over my head, and simply offer my time and attention when I can. With the people I am thinking about, and there are three of them, most interactions are so frustrating and exhausting for me that I run out of gas pretty quickly and get to the point where it is physically hard for me to interact. When I try to excuse myself to regroup or if I ask for an accommodation, they push back or say things that are passive-aggressive or condescending. I feel like part of the issue with two of them is that they want to have their cake and eat it too, because they have physical problems they are not addressing and this hampers communication. They are both in total denial about how this hampers communication, how much they misunderstand, and how much work other people have to do in order to get information across to them or even communicate in their presence. They won’t lift a finger to correct the problem or even get the issue tested, but if you offer the slightest critique of their obstructive behavior, you are met with sad puppy face and, ‘We’re just old.” (So feel sorry for us and don’t expect us to be responsible to other people).

One of the people I am thinking about is absolutely malignant. In the same year that I was treated for cancer, we visited her in the break between my 8 rounds of chemo and my 30 days of radiation. We had just come from spending a few days at a fairly nice resort that was by no means, like, the Four Seasons or anything and that was in fact a timeshare, so we had to fend off pitches. Heh, the pool was nice, though. What this person said to me on that trip, sitting right at her dining room table, was, “You are supposed to wait until your kids finish school and move away to do things like that.” I think of that as the moment she showed me her demon face. Cannot unsee. She is the kind of “nice” person who is so happy to see you, welcomes you to her house, and then panics when you want to put a piece of a candy bar in her refrigerator because there is no room. She is now going through trauma and lashing out at everyone around her, and yet I can’t really say anything, because unconditional love. Bleh. I am sick to death of the lack of boundaries and inability to take no for an answer. I am sick to death of people who choose to live their lives in fear and then try to impose their fears on me. I am sick to death of the guilt memes on social media, especially the ones that say something like, “I’ll bet most of you wont share this.” Fucking right I won’t. I am tired of being told I am wrong about things when the real problem is that someone is making giant assumptions out of hand, remembering incorrectly because denial, or just can’t fucking listen. I am tired of people who pretend they care about me and obviously have no interest in me as a person whatsoever, zip, zilch, zero, to the point where they cannot retain the slightest bit of information about me or pay attention to what I am saying. I am tired of hearing variations on, “You had better appreciate your ******* when they are alive because they will be gone someday,” when I feel appreciated by these individuals only when I submerge all of my needs and personality, and also because I find it aggressive and awful. Same with statements like, “Tell (my daughter) she’ll see how it is when she has kids. I did it to my mother and you did it to me and someday it will happen to her.”

When I said, once, in a discussion regarding my concerns about my daughter’s binge-eating (referring back to something this person actually said to me as a child), “At least I’ve never told her, “But you have such a pretty face,” this person contemplatively declared, “I always thought you made things a lot worse for yourself by how you dressed and everything.” NO, NO, YOUR LINE IS SUPPOSED TO BE, “YOU WERE ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL TO ME.” Never heard it, never will, so I just don’t know where this eternal well of unconditional love and acceptance in me is supposed to come from.

I know that by posting this I will (hopefully) get a range of replies. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. It could very well be the case that my views are distorted because of a very small number of people that I have the misfortune to deal with. I have somewhat of an open mind and am always struggling to do the right thing, whatever that is, but I am really tired and fed up right now. And yet I still feel guilty sometimes. Whyyyyy?

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 01:12AM by womanfromanotherplac confession

Subzero always running DIY

I have a subzero 550 refrigerator/freezer that always seems to be running. I bought this one for my basement/beer cooler... and it works awesome... food is cold up top, frozen in the freezer... but it runs 24/7 (not sure if the compressor is in, but the fan is for sure. Is this normal on a subzero like this, or do I have an issue?

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 01:13AM by tractorboy2015 DIY

Apartment Energy Usage and Heat Frugal


I just moved into my first apartment and I'm having some trouble determining what's going on with my electricity bill. It's a one bedroom apartment, and my energy usage is way above what I thought it would be. According to my power bills, I used 570 kWh in July, up to 837 in August, and 846 in September. Since I am renting I have no way to determine if this usage is correct for sure, but I think it is, because I've noticed another problem.

I'd suspected my usage might be high due to my computers - I have a desktop and a laptop that were on all the time. After my 846 kWh usage, I decided to make them hibernate after a period of inactivity instead. I'm now thinking that's not the issue.

Last night, it was cool and rainy in eastern Iowa, so I turned off the air conditioner and opened my windows. I set the system to OFF at the thermostat, turned the computers off, and went to sleep. It was about 55 degrees outside all night. When I woke up, I felt warm, and checked the thermostat, only to discover that it was 79 degrees inside the apartment... with the windows to a much cooler outside wide open, computers off, heating definitely not on by mistake. The only things that would have been running are the refrigerator and the water heater. Where could all this heat be coming from? I would figure my computers, even if they're on, might put out enough heat to raise the ambient temperature a few degrees, but not that much, and they were off, so that's certainly not it.

I program my thermostat in the summer for 80 degrees when I am away, and 75 when I am home. I was trying to match what is about the outside temperature so the AC wouldn't work much during the day, and so it wouldn't have to work super hard to cool a very hot apartment at the end of the day. I am now thinking the energy usage is because the AC must be running all of the time, under the assumption that if it's 80 degrees inside during a cool night with no sunlight, that it must want to get up to 90, 100, 110 if I weren't using AC during the day. I do cover my windows with light-blocking shades, so it shouldn't be the greenhouse effect, and certainly not at night.

If something in the apartment building really is generating heat then at least I should be OK once it gets really cold outside, because I can turn off the AC and never turn the heat on and it should stay livable, so hopefully my usage will drop off dramatically in winter. It's a newer apartment building, central air and gas heating, so it's not like the landlord forgot to turn the heat off last year and the radiator is heating the place up.

Does anyone have any ideas? It's going to be 70 degrees or less all week, so I plan to repeat my experiments the next few nights to see if the data is consistent. Maybe next year I can get a Nest and shut climate control off entirely until I am ready to head home, and just turn it on remotely. At this point, I don't have any worries that another apartment was accidentally wired into my circuit; if it really is getting that warm then I am sure the AC is working like crazy while I am gone at work and I really am using the electricity. I'm just stumped. I can't think of anything that would cause the place to heat up that much, with the windows open, at night, in the rain. Anyone ever have a similar experience? What caused it?

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 12:54AM by AlexG2490 Frugal

For business owners, what constitutes a service call? refrigeration

I called a local refrigerator repairman to take my air conditioner unit out to clean it or see if it could be repaired. No mention of a service charge was made before the call or at the time he was at my house.

He talked me into looking at a new unit as he said to repair it would cost almost as much as a new unit and I told him to call me with the exact price because he gave me a high estimate.

After thinking about it I called another company and they quoted me the same model and size for 900.00 dollars less.

When the first company called me I made an excuse not to purchase it for now. The service man told me well than that will be $65 plus tax and I will mail you a bill.

My question is since no service form was ever signed when he came to my home and he actually did nothing to the air-conditioner and he never once mentioned a service call before or during his visit does this constitute a service call?

Submitted September 30, 2015 at 12:59AM by zydel refrigeration

Given the run-a-around with a condenser fan replacement. Please help! :) DIY

So my condenser fan is slowly dying out and I decided to order the replacement fan for my Haier refrigerator. However the replacement I got just has two wires sticking out attached to a small metal prong. This does not fit the white prong that it is supposed to attach to in the refrigerator. I called the parts company, Haier itself, a local appliance shop, and a repair center that Haier told me and no one has any information for me. I have attached two images:

The first one shows my old condenser fan (on the left, with the white prong) and the new I just received (on the right):

The second image shows the top-view of the wire of the new condenser fan with those metal prongs I mentioned before:

The third image shows the two connectors that come out from the refrigerator. My old condenser fan attached to the connector on the left side:

Do I just need to splice out the wires, order the prong and attach it to the prong? Both Haier and the parts company said that this is the correct part for my model. Appreciate any and all help! :)

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 10:25PM by inno_chan DIY

How do Single Pressure Absorption Refrigeration Units Work? askscience

I've read the wikipedia article on how they work, but I just cant understand how the evaporator functions without some sort of one way valve or something...

The article establishes that the ammonia is liquid at room temperature with the pressure used, so why does it evaporate?

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 03:49AM by Siggy_23 askscience

Can bacteria survive low temperatures like when frozen into ice-cubes? askscience

I have a question about water borne diseases. I am a undergrad student living in New Delhi, India. I don't have much money or a place for a refrigerator so to quench the need of cold drinking water, I buy ice cubes from the market and mix it with the 20-liter mineral water kegs. The purity of the mineral water kegs can be vouched for (well, to a certain degree) but I have no idea as to how good or bad was the quality of water which was frozen into ice cubes. The cubes do not contain any dirt or suspended matter. I was concerned more about the bacterial growth.

Can bacteria survive such low temperatures? Maybe they hibernate when the water freezes but come back to live when mixed with the warm mineral water? Should I stop using those ice cubes?

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 12:03PM by generic_jackass askscience

As a regular working person, how to contribute to the cause of planet saving? AskReddit

Just saw Chasing Ice. Besides the common methods like using public transport and closing the refrigerator really quickly; how can a regular working person help saving the earth?

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:08PM by swallowwort AskReddit

Are ice cubes bought from the market safe or I might get infected? AskDocs

I have a question about water borne diseases. I am a undergrad student living in New Delhi, India. I don't have much money or place for a refrigerator so to quench the need of cold drinking water, I buy ice cubes from the market and mix it with the 20-liter mineral water kegs. The purity of the mineral water kegs can be vouched for (well, to a certain degree) but I have no idea as to how good or bad was the quality of water which was frozen into ice cubes. The cubes do not contain any dirt or suspended matter. I was concerned more about the bacterial growth.

Can bacteria survive such low temperatures? Maybe they hibernate when the water freezes but come back to live when mixed with the warm mineral water? Should I stop using those ice cubes?

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 12:44PM by generic_jackass AskDocs

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mod to unlock caterer without social event? thesims

I downloaded a club from the gallery that's set up like a restaurant

I decided to add a refrigerator and stove so someone could cook. You know, so those at the club could sit at the fancy tables and dine. But, is there a mod that unlocks the caterer without a social event? It'd be nice to be able to have food on some of the pubic lots, without there being a wedding or something.

I suppose the party stuff pack helped with this slightly, with the ability to buy a buffet table, but I don't have that.

Any help would be wonderful!

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 12:09PM by ImaginationDoctor thesims

TIFU by de-gassing the fridge tifu

Unlike some other posts I know this one happened about an hour ago. So we have this old crappy fridge, we got it about 3 years ago for $150(It was on sale). Well any thing my roommate asked me to defrost the fridge. For contacts the freezer is a thin metal box inside the fridge, not in its own compartment but in the refrigerator it self and it had not been defrosted in a long time. Well I have a History test tomorrow so to speed up the process i used a screwdriver and a hammer to chip away the ice(unlike normally where we just put a hot bowl in it). I was getting huge chunks of ice out at a pretty good pace for I was Russian trying to get back into my house in winter, I was ice climbers, but with one blow, all of a sudden gas started to spew out of the freezer part. It then occurred to me that this is not just metal but has veins of gas to cool it down as well. As this occurred to me the gas came out and into my face, and as my safety course taught me. I rinsed my eyes for fifteen minutes. My face when I just de-gassed the fridge. TLDR: Put screwdriver into fridge and let out all of it's gas, and got fridge juice in my eyes.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 10:22AM by Icydreamfull tifu

My Cousin. Vampires. Dry and Clammy. nosleep

Showers don't seem to be as cleansing as they use to be. I scrub and scrub and try to wash off the memory but I still feel the dryness. The horrible, clammy dryness.

A bad memory is like a leech on the back of your head. Its teeth just sinks into your skin and you can feel it sucking a little bit of life out of you. Only, I can't just reach back and pluck it off. I have to go about my day, trying to focus as I feel it throbbing behind my head. I have to let this phantom leech take what's left of me.

To grow fat as I wither.

I've taken up drinking. I didn't use to, but I find it more of a necessity in my life every time I live through another sun-down. Scotch. That's my medicine. I like how it warms me up with every sip, like I'm putting another log in the fireplace. I can feel the flames spread through my chest and reach my cheeks.

I get drunk almost every night, now. I was drunk when I called the cops. I was drunk when my Aunt begged me not to press charges on my Cousin. I know I shouldn't be, but I'll probably be drunk when I go to court, too.

She was the one who set this whole thing into motion, my Aunt. She was the one who called me to go check up on her son. She was the one who begged me to go see if Ray was alright.

I was the one nice enough to go do it. I guess nice and dumb are pretty much the same nowadays. I drove four hours out of my way to go to Ray's house. Except, it wasn't going to be Ray's house. Not for long anyways. My Aunt told me he was living there until he had to leave. Apparently he was being evicted, which was the last thing he told her before going dark for a couple weeks. Hence why she asked me to go check on him.

His wife was the one who paid the bills. She left because he "wasn't the man she married, anymore". I remember driving up to the house and thinking how cozy and quaint it was. It was a sea-foam green on a couple acres of hilly land with a nice wooded area for a backyard.

It was nice to see Ray was doing good for himself, seeing as how I hadn't talked to him since high school. Too bad about the whole wife thing, though.

I walked up to the front door and the stairs moaned and hollered with every step. I gave a few gentle raps on the glass of the door and immediately heard panic on the other side of the door. Glass shattered, cursing ensued and wet crunches under footsteps played as a drumroll to the door cracking open two inches. A slice of light revealed a gray, gaunt face adorned with simple, circular glasses.

"Who is it? W-what is it?"

"Hey, uh, Ray? It's your Cousin, Daniel."

"Oh... uh... yes, yes of course, Daniel. Long time no see." Ray said opening the door a little more.

"Hey buddy, Aunt Trish is pretty worried about you, man. Everything okay?"

"Yes, yes. It's- everything's fine. Thank you."

It was at this moment I noticed a thick dripping noise acting as metronome to our bland small talk. I looked down and saw dark red blood spattering on white tile.

"Oh my God! Ray!" I exclaimed.

"It's nothi-" He said, rushing to shut the door. I caught it and pushed it open. I felt his feet fail to catch any friction with blood on the floor. When I pushed it totally open, I saw what looked like a murder scene. Blood and glass stretched across his floor like a crimson night sky with shattered stars scattered about.

I looked down and saw Ray lying on the ground, making feeble attempts to lift himself up. I propped him up against the refrigerator and saw a deep cut in his forearm accompanied by other cuts and scars that criss-crossed their way up his arm. They faded from being red and scabbed to being fleshy and raised.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I muttered to no one in particular.

"I... I... You wouldn't... There's no way I can tell you..." He said, eyes glassing over. I Helped Ray up and moved him over to the couch in the next room. His face was very slim considering how big his belly was. I sat him down.

"Ray, you need to tell me everything."

"..." Ray's face began to grimace.

"Ray... Please, your family is here to help you..."

"Vampire!" Ray blurted. I was taken aback. I remember trying to start a sentence, but words just wouldn't come out.

"I... I've been cutting- ever since my wife left me I've been haunted by a vampire... I- I think she asked it to- to haunt me!... I've been cutting- here, look at my arms... I give it a tiny bowl of blood every night so it won't take my fresh blood." Ray said, rubbing his arms. I didn't know what to say to him. What could have I said? This was childish, ridiculous and more than unsettling that a grown man had been bleeding himself to feed an imaginary monster.

"Alright, Ray... Ray? Listen to me... I'm... I'm here to save you, from the, uh. Vampire. I'm taking you back so we can have a, uh, priest- bless you with holy water and uh... Garlic." Each word I spoke felt like a heavy foot step on thinning ice. Ray looked relieved, however. He gave me a hug and said he was going to go shower. I pulled out my cell phone immediately and called my Aunt.

"Hey, Trish... It's Daniel... Yeah I'm here. No, he's not okay. Not at all... It's hard to explain over the phone. When we get back we need to get him some serious mental help... I said don't worry about it... I got it. What do you mean? Operation? Forget it, I'd say by tomorrow afternoon is when we'll be back. Okay, you too. Bye."

A yawn slithered its way out of my mouth and just like that, I was poisoned with fatigue. Ray came down the stairs, wearing the same clothes and a head full of dry hair.

"I thought you said you were taking a shower..."

"I did, er- I mean... I need to clean up the- uh, blood."

"Okay, well, uh, listen: We need to spend the night here, man. I am way too tired to drive home. Are you okay with staying one more night here, man?" I asked as the sounds of glass and blood being cleaned composed the ambiance.

"Yeah, that's fine. I have lots of blood in the fridge just in case something like this happened. We'll set some out before we go to bed."

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Once we set out the blood in a tiny glass bowl, we made our way upstairs. There was only two doors adjacent to each other on the second floor.

"Alright, Daniel. I'll be sleeping in this room and you-"

"Get this one, right?" I said, reaching for the door knob.

"NO! NO! NO! DON'T!" Ray's words exploded out of him in a raspy fury that changed his face from gray to a reddish-purple. I let go of the knob.

"That's- That's the vampire's room. It's very important you don't go in there."

"Al-alright, man... I'll sleep on the couch..." Ray smiled at that.

"Good night, Daniel."


I headed downstairs, laid on the couch and almost instantly fell asleep. I must have been asleep for no more than three hours until I heard a scratching noise. It was a rapid, raspy scratch with a rubbery sound at the end of each, irregular stroke. I stood up and walked through the kitchen and what I saw made the hairs on the back of my neck jump as high as they could.

The tiny bowl of blood we left out was empty.

I stepped over it slowly. The sound of my own heart beat began to swallow the scratching noise. I wrapped my fingers around the door knob. A heat flooded the back of my head and flushed my cheeks. My fingers felt weak. The door flung open before I knew it. The only thing on the other side of the door was the sound of my own heart beat. Adrenaline made me open the door quicker than I intended. The sound of thumping noises crawling up the stairs flooded the house.

I ran into the living room ready to fight whatever was there. But instead, I was confronted with a door slamming from upstairs. Then, a heard a high-pitched creak. I walked up the stairs and saw the "vampire" room door was cracked open. The moonlight spilling in from the window revealed the white glisten of an eye peering from the door crack.

I felt the eye touching my body like an unwanted hand caressing me. The door slammed. I ran back downstairs, out the front door and to my car. But, instead of finding my car where I parked it, I found it sticking straight out of a ditch. Totaled. It must of somehow gone into neutral and rolled down the hill into the ditch.

I tried to reach into my pocket for my phone.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

I ran back inside, expecting to kick something or someone lurking around. Luckily, no one was there but me. And unfortunately, nothing was there but me. My cell phone wasn't on the couch. I walked in the kitchen and peered into a sink full of water, only to discover my phone halfway sinking and halfway floating. Good as gone.

I didn't want to go back up to the second floor and knock on Ray's bedroom door. I also didn't want to run in the night just in case something or someone is out there waiting for just that.

Instead, I sat on the couch holding and unplugged lamp as a bludgeoning device. I must have sat there for hours without moving. But, I must have also fallen asleep at some point because I remember waking up to flowers all around me. Ray stood in front of me with an irate expression. Arms crossed and everything.

"Ray... Last night- my car, it-"

"Shut your mouth!" Ray barked. My words fell limp and lifeless to the floor before I could say them.

"You didn't come here to save me you fucking liar. You came here because you FUCKING LOVE HER!" Ray erupted and unfolded his arms at the last few words. I can only imagine the face I made looked like I was trying to piece together a puzzle with pieces from different boxes.

"Ray, what're you talking about?"

"You and that goddamn vampire are lovers. That's why it left you all these flowers. You don't care about me. You just care about eating undead pussy." Ray scowled. I guffawed.

"What the fuck are you talking about, man!? You think I came here, crashed my own car, threw my phone in a sink full of water just so I can have sex with an imaginary monster you think you have in a spare bedroom!?"

Ray stood as still and as silent as stone. It wasn't until after a few long seconds of eye contact that Ray said, "so, you think she's imaginary do you?"

"Yeah, Ray. I really do." I half lied.

I'm not sure when Ray picked up the lamp, but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds before he hit me upside the head with it. The sharp searing pain lasted only a couple seconds before my eyes drank in the shadows and drowned in the darkness.

I woke up with blood crusted to the side of my face. Every twitch made red flakes fall to the floor. I motioned to brush it off of my face, but my hands were didn't move. I struggled as hard as I could, but my fingers were so numb and my body was so weak. It took me a couple minutes to regain coherency and a couple more to realize my hands were tied to a leg of the kitchen table.

I laid flat on the ground, limp and motionless. Everything was a blur. Time proved to be the most effective whet stone, as only after a few minutes my vision progressively became sharper and sharper.

Kneeling ten feet away from me, however, was a long limbed, boney figure with long black hair and glistening eyes. Its skin was gray and it wheezed with every breath. I swallowed pure adrenaline, my body wanted to explode out of whatever was tying me down. Instead, I became petrified. The creature began to walk on its hands and feet. The sound of skin slapping against tile became louder and louder as it neared me.

It grabbed my pants and started to unzip them. I wanted to kick it in the face and fight with all my might, but god dammit I felt like my bones vanished from my body. Its rough, scarred hands gently grabbed my... my penis.

It took me into its mouth. It was cold and wet. Its eyes never strayed away from mine the entire time as its head bobbed up and down.

Up and down.

Up and down.

I closed my eyes. They became warm with tears. I never truly wished I was dead until I felt my member swell. I wanted to will my body into becoming limp and flaccid again, but it refused me. The creature stood up over me. It's breath smelled of blood. I watched as it lowered itself onto me. It vagina was dry. And clammy. Dry and clammy. It made a god-awful wheezing moan as it bounced on me faster and faster.

I released myself inside of it. The creature slid off and rubbed its stomach affectionately. It then got on all fours again and quickly thumped its way back upstairs where the door slammed closed.

I struggled my way free from the rope that had me tied. I took off a good chunk of skin with it, too. I stood up, pulled my pants up and grabbed a kitchen knife from the drawer.

I felt all fear crust over and chip away as I gently walked up the stairs. I tried my best not to make a sound. The "vampire" room door was open. I gently pushed it open, making only a church-mouse squeak.

There was a long black wig on the floor. A mannequin that sported a fat suit. A variety of different dildos and knives and other perverted things were all clustered together in one room. There was a poorly made hole in the wall with crumbling dry wall and exposed wooden boards. It lead to Ray's bedroom. I peaked in and saw Ray wearing a sweater.

That's it.

between his bare legs was a vagina... and my cum drizzling out of it.

His wife left him because he wasn't the man she married

Trish asked about his operation.

He's not the man she married

He had an operation...

Ray smiled. I turned around and sprinted out of his home. I heard his foot steps behind me, but they were falling distant as I outran him. I eventually got to a bus station and made it home.

That was a few weeks ago. Now I sit here, drinking scotch, waiting for the court date. Trying to pluck off that leech at the back of my head.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 09:19AM by RobotVampire nosleep

LPT: Don't keep your carbonated beverages on the door of the refrigerator. The agitation of opening and closing the door will make it go flat faster. Especially if you slam the door cuz your soda is flat. - LifeProTips knowyourshit

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 07:54AM by Know_Your_Shit knowyourshit

LPT: Don't keep your carbonated beverages on the door of the refrigerator. The agitation of opening and closing the door will make it go flat faster. Especially if you slam the door cuz your soda is flat. LifeProTips

Also keeping sodas, etc in colder parts of the fridge rather than the door which swings open into room temperature frequently can help keep it carbonated since CO2 dissolves slower at colder temps.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 06:58AM by Sykonica LifeProTips

Watching the 85 Bears playoffs again and it jogged an old memory. I had almost forgot about this gem that came out after they won the Super Bowl. [GI Joe William The Refrigerator Perry Commercial] CHIBears

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 05:19AM by NogardDerorrim CHIBears

Need some help with experimental spectroscopy AskPhysics

I'm currently working on a spectroscopy project at my university and my professor wants me to run some simple measurements on a piece of ruby.

I already know what I'm looking for: a peak around 694.2nm. I'm using an argon laser. We were able to get some pretty good results at room temp, but as soon as I turned the refrigerator on, the vibrations caused the sample to fall and now I can't get it into a position where the light reflecting off the crystal gets anywhere near the slit. Here is our setup.

I know it's pretty hard to give an answer that will actually solve the problem, but any tips would be much appreciated. There's some bad news about the setup and then some worse news.

The bad news is the mount we are using. The worse news is that yes, that is a semi-circular, rounded sample.

Is there anything short of cutting the ruby or getting a new sample you guys can offer?

Thanks in advance!

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:43AM by jewish-mel-gibson AskPhysics

Why do Americans have such big refrigerators in their kitchens while much of the rest of the "1st world" gets by with smaller ones? AskReddit

Disclaimer: American here. Watch a lot of House Hunters Int'l. Always amazed at the teeny-tiny fridges of the rest of the world. Are there certain cultural, financial or other forces at play?

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:05AM by azpm AskReddit

Locatioan (oakland north / temescal) $2750 3bd EastBayHouseSearch

Great location on large 3 bedroom 2 bath house with large added on family room close to Berkeley, Bart, shopping and Buses great for grad students Fenced yard 2 car garage laundry hook. comes with Stove refrigerator Rent $2,900.00 Deposit $3,000

from Craigslist


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:26AM by u238ed EastBayHouseSearch

What's a good or creative way to catch an office food thief stealing food out of our refrigerator? AskReddit

Some ahole steals food out of our refrigerator. Everything from Apple's to sandwiches. They even stole some guys chicken curry and the container. Wth.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:32AM by clarkbkent AskReddit

TIL when scientists first discovered autism, they thought it was caused by emotionally cold parents, known as the Refrigerator Mother theory. todayilearned

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 02:25AM by philospark todayilearned

Why isn’t evaporative cooling technology utilized on devices that generate heat? AskScienceDiscussion

Why isn’t evaporative cooling technology utilized on devices that generate heat? “Swamp coolers” seem like they could be utilized in many different ways, but they aren’t. Their applications certainly vary depending on climate; but if we make some assumptions for the sake of science it would seem they have a clear benefit almost everywhere. Take a generic swamp cooler, just wet material and air flow. (none of that fancy bong or evap cooler, this is just indirect style) For our hypothesis assume we are in an air conditioned building, say it’s 74 degrees; something comfortable. We are in a reasonably nontropic environment. Maybe our air conditioned air is at 30-40% humidity. We have a refrigerator running and its kicking off exhaust MUCH warmer than 74 degrees, and given our air is conditioned our humidity is relatively low, so we have say, 100 degree air at 30-40% humidity. By directing that warmish, dryish exhaust through a very simple swamp cooler, couldn’t we effectively reduce the exhaust temperature through the phase change? Wouldn’t this simultaneously increase the humidity of the air, allowing the air conditioner to work even more effectively? This slightly cooled, moist air would at least feel much better. I understand that for most industrial applications the reason this isn’t used is simple; the heat generating units are roof mounted so the components never affect the inside air. It seems so clear that it would be effective; why don’t we see these products more often in homes? Why is evaporative cooling not built into modern appliances? Maybe there is something key I am missing?

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 01:55AM by curiosityconnoisseur AskScienceDiscussion

Maytag Refrigerator Evap Fan Not Working fixit

Hey all, I have a Maytag msd2651heb side by side, and we noticed last Friday that it wasn't as cold as it should be. Our initial thought was the fan wasn't working because the bottom of the fridge and freezer are super cold but it's not coming up to the top. Before even taking out the panel in the freezer we noticed ice frozen by the vents at the bottom. So we took all our stuff out and thawed it out for a couple of hours. Then it still wasn't cooling so we finally opened it up, and saw that the fan really wasn't working. My mom wants to buy a new motor but I suspect it's something else since the evap coils seem to freeze up within hours of turning it on and doesn't seem to thaw out. I checked the voltage on the motor and wires and it's around 120. I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly but I also checked the ohms after unplugging it but cannot get a reading, it's just displays a reading similar to when it is not attached to something, around 1.0~ . So I'm not sure what's what. My initial guess is the adaptive defrost control is broken or something but I'm not sure how to go about checking it. I've googled it but everyone is pointing at different directions and I'm a noob when it comes to fixing appliances.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 02:02AM by y3110w fixit

What is the deadliest item in your refrigerator right now? AskReddit

No text found

Submitted September 28, 2015 at 11:19PM by InkMercenary AskReddit

Refrigerator noise fixit

Hey all,

my new refrigerator/freezer is making really annoying noise - sounds like cricket ( - from 5th,6th sec). The sound comes from the back of the refrigerator where the drain hose connects to the fridge. The sound starts when the cooling starts and stops 5-10secs after the compressor shuts down.

Is this normal or I can do something abouth it?


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 11:52PM by reveger fixit

Won't break my $20? pettyrevenge

This happened about ten years ago, but I was recently reminded of it.

I owed a friend $5 or $10 and was headed by his house, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to repay him. As I was driving to his place, I realized I only had $20 bills and knew it was unlikely he had change for me, so I stopped into a local convenience store to make change.

Now, I'm pretty considerate when it comes to asking stores to make change. I know convenience stores don't like $20s, so I didn't even consider outright asking for change. I walked to the row of glass doored refrigerators in back and grabbed a Coke. I even reached into the back to get the coldest one since it was a scorching hot summer day.

I waited my turn in line, and handed the clerk the Coke. He scanned it and $1 and some change pops up on the screen. I open my wallet and pull out a $20. He asks, "got anything smaller?" I show him my wallet which has three other $20s inside, saying "no, sorry, I don't."

"Well, I've got too many $20s," (or something similar), he replies. I politely asked him again to make the sale as it was hot and I didn't have any smaller bills, getting nowhere.

I turn to leave and he says, "put that Coke back." No please, nothing. I continue walking out and reply, "no thanks," and leave.

Restock your own Coke, you miserable piece of shit.

Submitted September 28, 2015 at 11:04PM by mcdonaldstrump pettyrevenge

Short-term Lease! - Beautiful New and FULLY FURNISHED 1 BR + W/D Apt (Alexandria, VA) DCforRent

Completely furnished 1 Bedroom available in a spacious (700 sq ft) with Private Bathroom apartment located in Alexandria VA.

ROOM INFO: › Large size: 11' 0" x 12' 5" › Own bathroom › Closet for two people › Queen size bed with night table › Study Desk w/ Bookshelf

APT INFO: › Brand new and elegant steel metal kitchen with granite cutting table › Washer/dryer, microwave, and brand new refrigerator included › Thermostat within the apartment to control Heating/Cooling › Completely Furnished: Dining Table for six people and two comfortable leather Sofas › Balcony with a view to Washington DC including monuments (Capitol and Obelisc)

BUILDING INFO: › Brand new 1 year old complex administered by The JBG Corp › Secured and clean underground parking garage (optional) › Rooftop Area with BBQ Grill and Fire Pit and Scenic View of Washington DC and the Potomac › Brand new Pool with cascade › Courtyard with outdoor kitchen and grill station › Common area w/ both Corn Hole and Bocce Ball Court › Game Room with Pool Table, Two Pinball Machines, Shuffleboard and 5 new flat screens › 24-hour access private modern Gym with independent Yoga room

PERKS: › Easy Metro access (Crystal City Metro Station and Braddock Rd -blue & yellow line-) › Metrobus-stop directly outside the apartment building (scheduled every 6-8 mins) › Giant grocery store literally across the street and 3 minute-walk away from Shoppers/Target › 3 minutes walking distance from neighborhood Tennis and Basketball Courts › 3 minutes away from Crystal City Restaurants (Jaleo, Chipotle, Cosi, Cold Stone, among others) › 5 minutes away from DC Reagan National Airport

Submitted September 28, 2015 at 09:53PM by peblopadro DCforRent