Yeah, so in the interest of keeping this less of a life advice thing and more focused on nutrition, I'll spare all the details. But all you really need to know is there's nothing in my refrigerator but processed chicken nuggets, tv dinners, hot dogs, and a plethora of other sugar packed and nutritionally unbeneficial junk. I've had many conversations with my dad about this and he always replies with "that is good and healthy food!" and "if it was good enough for me, it's good enough for you" except he's 300lbs, has been for my entire life and has eaten himself to type 2 diabetes, but just won't stop. I've done all I can, but he's an adult, so I can only do so much, but it's had a massive effect on me as well. By 9th grade I was 5'8" and 210lbs. Life sucked. So I cut my food down to 500 calories below my maintenance and biked 10 miles a day for an entire summer and lost 65lbs. I still wasn't eating enough, because I didn't want to eat unhealthy food, so I got all the way down to 135. At that point I noticed I was going in the other direction and starting to really loose muscle tone and waste away, so I started eating maintenance again, occasionally more. I balanced out at 145-150, which is where I've been for a year now. I still have a lot of trouble with body image stuff because my stomach is still pretty fat and I have a little extra skin from the rapid weight loss, so that makes me super self conscious. But it's manageable. Understanding something makes it easier to deal with. I just think that with a proper diet I'd have more motivation and energy to work out and reach some goals to really get comfortable in my skin. Being fat in junior high school really fucks you up. I wouldn't recommend. But whatever, I didn't want this to be a life advice post, so never mind all that.
Basically to put it in short, I don't like eating bad food. It doesn't make me feel good. It messes with my brain chemistry. I get depressed. I have anxiety. I don't sleep well. But I have to eat something.
So what can I do about this? What's cheap, simple, and easy that I could convince my dad to start buying, or buy myself.
I have no cooking knowledge, but I'm 100% open to learn. I just don't know where to start.
Any advice is appreciated. Have a nice day. Peace.
Submitted April 30, 2016 at 10:13PM by TechnicParadox nutrition
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