Friday, April 29, 2016

Fermenting Ales and Cold Weather Homebrewing

Hey guys, first post here, and first beer I'm brewing :)

I researched quite a bit about what recipe to start with. After a lot of reddit, I ended up picking an American IPA. My main problem is that my city's weather is funny af. Friday was the brewday, and until Monday the temperature was about 26ºC (79ºF). But, on Tuesday we'v got temperatures as low as 4ºC (40ºF), and the temperatures continue as low. This shitty weather ruined my fermentation temp (the plan was to ferment in the refrigerator at 19ºC (66ºF), but with this low room temperature of about 9ºC (48ºF) the fermenting beer is as low as 11ºC (52ºF)). How can I ferment Ales with this kind of room temperature? How may I heat the fermentor? Some additional info: OG 1063, Gravity now 1013,6. I'm seriously thinking about dumping this beer and brewing a lager. haha. Thank you.

Submitted April 30, 2016 at 10:49AM by brickweed Homebrewing

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