Wednesday, October 29, 2014

TIFU by fingering my coworker’s cheesecake tifu

Background: There’s a young, heavily bearded guy on the production floor that’s a hot head. From here out we’ll call him Bill. A week ago Bill got into an argument with another coworker after he asked him a simple question. Bill flipped the fu@k out, and said “You’re not my boss!” A few days later that guy actually got promoted as Bill's boss. Now Bill’s even more disgruntled having this guy as a boss now.

Fast forward to a day ago, there was a boxed desert in the faculty refrigerator. I have a weakness for anything sweet and tasty, so I opened the box. Inside I saw this sweet ass piece of cheesecake, caramel drizzle with crumb crust. It seemed like it was sent from the heavens, clouds parted, sun rays gleaming down on it… so I tasted it! Damn she was so sweet with caramel goo, I regret nothing. But Bill is on a war path right now trying to figure out which coworker fingered his cheesecake. He ate it though. He actually ate around the fingered part. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get promoted?

Today I walk into the lunch room about to clock in and go back to work. Disgruntled Bill looks agitated in the corner, kind of how a cobra looks before it’s about to fu@k her right in the pu$$y. I asked Bill what’s going on he replies with “Someone finger fu@ked my cheesecake!” I play it off like I don’t know and he shows me the mutilated cheesecake. His facial expressions were like a kid who wanted an Xbox Juan for Christmas but got a PS3 instead. Later on he called the managers at our company and complained about his dessert, but they couldn’t care less. Now Bill put it on display in the lunch room for everyone to see. Still no promotion yet.

Submitted October 29, 2014 at 11:13PM by Elffykins tifu

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