Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Norman is Pranked lifeofnorman

Norman was sitting in his recliner when the phone rang, late in the evening.

"Hello?" asked Norman harshly. He didn't mean for his hello to sound so aggressive, but that could've been caused by the thrilling action scene playing on the telly. He was already worried this call, with whoever it may be, would turn sour based on his rude beginning.

"Hello?" the voice said back. Her voice sound much less offensive than his own, and he was glad for that. But who was she? She sounded young, like a little girl, Norman thought.

"Hello?" Norman responded. This time he was careful to make it not sound so harsh, but at the same time, tossing the ball back in her ballpark, as she was the one that called.

"Is your refrigerator running?" she said. Norman pondered the question, unsure of the answer. He stood from the chair, carefully tossed the blanket resting on top of him to the armrest, and then went to his refrigerator. He opened it, looking around. Does the light mean it's working properly?

"Does the light mean it's working properly?"

"Is it running?"

"Maybe, does the light mean it's working properly?"

She hung up quickly, the phone clanging on plastic before cutting out. Norman was confused. He looked online to see if the light meant that the refrigerator was okay. It gave him various answers. Norman would have to call the apartments maintenance in the morning.

Submitted October 01, 2014 at 10:58PM by MattressCrane lifeofnorman

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