Thursday, October 2, 2014

I Present to you all: A Feast! YamakuHighSchool

OOC: I'll make this open once John and I are done!

Dang what can I do around here to forget about all of this stuff? Everyone is having meltdowns and second thoughts about all of the recent events around here. Not that I blame them one bit. I would probably be that way if I wasn't used to loss and heartache (literally and figuratively). Video games and sitting in my room don't really seem viable right now.

Stomach grumbles

Passes the school kitchen and has a great idea

After a few minutes of setting up the pots and pans and rummaging through the cupboards, refrigerators and freezers for enough food, I hear the kitchen door open up and someone walks through.

Submitted October 03, 2014 at 02:36AM by Ken_Flemming YamakuHighSchool

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