Thursday, February 23, 2017

Help - trying to find the name of a book I read. books

I thought I would see if anyone here could help me figure this out.

Here is what little I recall: -The basic premise was that Earth was ravaged by climate change.
-No plants were allowed to be killed, even weeds, which grew everywhere. -The protagonist was a boy. He lived with his father and had a trap door in the kitchen behind the refrigerator where they kept and bred rabbits for food illegally. -People are disappearing (I think) -He discovers that there is a secret initiative to build space ships and find another habitable planet for humanity. -There may or may not be a selection process on who gets to go on the ships.

That is all I recall. Please let me know if this rings any bells!

Submitted February 23, 2017 at 09:25PM by vainamoinens-scythe books

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