Tuesday, December 29, 2015

/r/crappydesign report: Monday, December 21, 2015 - Sunday, December 27, 2015 subredditreports

Totals: 7 days, 352 posts, 4,100 comments.
Included in this report: The top 352 posts, and 4,117 of the top comments, by 2,987 distinct authors.
No posts were gilded, but 1 comment was gilded.

See the comments for detailed reports and charts.

Most Popular Posts

Score Author Post Title
5390 /u/rufus_slade ARSE & SHINE
5151 /u/Fiagro No, it HAS to be right over my door.
5020 /u/L33HDX In Steve Harvey's Defense
4869 /u/Gnoll_Champion Black and white and dark purple.
4587 /u/procomsignathid Useful innovation in hourglass technology
4524 /u/76oakst Somehow at McDonald's, 100 divided by 0 = 5?
4341 /u/thepkmncenter Some poor intern somewhere would have been asked to make this after they lied about knowing how to use Photoshop on their resume.
3840 /u/maxt0r Mall Christmas Tree
3273 /u/peanuthead9094 Good job ASUS!
2440 /u/bonyponyride I'm no mathematician, but...
1481 /u/mike_pants Longer, larger...
1259 /u/Donald_Keyman An over-excited faucet
1063 /u/asupify Is this an enormous flash drive or a really tiny woman? [x-post from r/australia]
988 /u/window_cleaner This pillowcase at the place I'm house sitting at.
849 /u/Katholikos This bathroom has a mirror everywhere except where I want one.
696 /u/Gawke What do you mean "minecraft isn't design software?"
634 /u/momo1650 Workplace doesn't understand how Braille works.
519 /u/Divotus Cool to do drugs.
499 /u/GORGATRON2012 The order of these images (numbered)
441 /u/camdoodlebop The new /r/funny banner
434 /u/ZapD This refrigerator at Target doesn't close.
407 /u/SwedishTroller What were they thinking...
405 /u/PreeScape Long Islan Dice Tea
403 /u/Noiblade Maybe it's not the crappiest thing ever but this is mildly Infuriating as someone who likes putting things on shelves in alphabetical order
365 /u/rob_cress This toilet seat...
303 /u/DougDimmadome44 2015 Miss Universe Winner Card
290 /u/bpoag ...I don't even know where to begin.
290 /u/Switche Candlesdick cakes
276 /u/Wazkal His where the Home hearts is?
272 /u/I_AM_YOUR_DADDY_AMA My little brother kept telling me he wanted to play fuck home run, he's 6.
267 /u/dial_m_for_me Scramblendar
254 /u/DannyKroontje This shopping cart storage
251 /u/goonerhsmith Well played Burger King
246 /u/StephenHawkings_Legs This "ten string" bass I found at a local antique mall.
246 /u/resounduk Besus, the reason for the season
243 /u/zakmackay Wireless baby crib
237 /u/mattlenoz This festive calendar.
207 /u/tilapiadated Hmm, what color should we use to communicate "superior method" and "pain/injury prevention?"
202 /u/CA1900 I wonder how many flooded rooms this design caused before they "fixed" it

Submitted December 29, 2015 at 01:07PM by subredditreports http://ift.tt/1mnBGr4 subredditreports

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