Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Keto Travel Kit keto

I travel for work semi-regularly. It can be damned hard to KCKO on the road, but taking this bad boy with me has REALLY helped stay the course: Keto Travel Kit

Included: * Beef Jerky * Moon Cheese (this stuff is THE SHIT. I am OBSESSED) * Quest Bars * Crystal Light * Justin's Almond Butter packets * Beef Nibs * (in bag) Almonds separated into individual serving size snack bags - Blue Diamond Bold in Habanero BBQ and Sriracha are amazing!

If I know my room is going to have a refrigerator, I will usually add string cheese, Philadelphia Cream Cheese packs and an ice pack to the insulated bag.

One travel tip that works for me is to kind of pile it on in the morning - Quest bar plus peanut butter or cheese, maybe a handful of nuts / beef jerky too - eating almost too much in the morning really helps to keep me full for a good part of the day and keeps me from throwing in the towel and eating whatever carb-loaded lunch option is provided.

The other thing I try to do is maintain a normal eating schedule - being on the road means all sorts of crazy hours, but I have found that when I eat on the same schedule I do at home, I am less likely to cheat.

Hope this helps, I would love to learn more about what other travelers do when on the road!

Submitted July 30, 2015 at 07:03AM by craypoupon keto

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