Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How to repair plastic refrigerator shelves fixit


Please help me. Our refrigerator's shelves have nearly split in half. Been trying to fix them using superglue but they keep breaking.

Can someone advice me how to properly fix and stablize these?

-What kind of adhesive -How to support the shelves so they're stronger and don't split in half

Getting a new chiller is out of the question. We don't have the budget for one right now. Please don't laugh :< Using a throwaway because I'm really embarrassed.

I can't offer much in return for advice but if you help me I'll mail you a postcard from where I am :)

Submitted March 31, 2015 at 08:41PM by okapineedstochill http://ift.tt/1OVf8bv fixit

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