Sunday, March 29, 2015

Best PvP mage? DFO

I'm curious as to which Mage may be best for PvP. I am referring to sub-class, not Male and Female ( as a result, suggesting Glacial Master or Elementalist as if the same vein is totally what I mean ). I've been hearing a lot of mixed comments. Some say the Refrigerator Men were the punch packers. Others say the witches are the best ones. A majority seem to state that Battlemages were tuned for this, only for an equal tide to come out and attempt to suppress them. I'm going to be making a mage soon, unsure if male or female, and am wanting to be swayed by the promise of power in PvP. Skill cap isn't too much a bother and neither is difficulty, considering that I /am/ willing to learn what I choose. I do remember Witches being monsters in the olden days, and that's who I mainly played, but again, many bickering over whether or not she suffered nerfs.


Submitted March 30, 2015 at 08:24AM by TricksterMode DFO

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