Monday, February 23, 2015

Where to go when you have nowhere to go? Advice

I'm 21, lost and don't know what to do anymore. My mom and stepdad will be kicking me out of the house soon since I don't believe in God. I have lost faith in him. My parents are getting "stronger" in the word and state that they can't have non believers in there house or they won't be blessed. To make matters worse my stepdad's becoming a deacon and supposedly the non believers thing in your house is in the oath. They pretty much want me to come collect my stuff with the next week or two. I have no room at my mom's no more and no freedom, I sleep in a spare living room and they have very strict rules baout how they want you out of the house at 9am and don't want me back til dark. The only thing I can do at my mom's house is watch family feud marathon's with them til bedtime. In the meantime, I've been staying at my Dad's house. My dad is retired and he lives in another state with my stepmom, but they left the house for my stepbrother. Me and my dad have never gotten along and he's kicked me out of his house a couple of times for nothing. He favors his step children over me his one and only biological son. He was never really a father to me, my mom and stepdad did his job. The problem is my dad's house is a disgusting mess since they left. I get sick everytime I come here after about 5 hours I always catch something. My stepbrother is the dirtiest person I know. He throws trash on the floor, he has months worth of dishes in the sink, he cuts his hair and leaves his shavings all over the house, he unplugged the refrigerator and won't turn on the heater despite the fact that its winter since he's trying to save money. He only pays the power bill and my dad pays the rest of the bills and as much stuff as he's unplugged it makes n sense, yet he leaves lights on and plays xbox all day when not at work and he has a cat that craps all over the house and he won't clean it up. Both restrooms over here are broke and need a plumber to fix them and the shower is broken, so I have to go into my dad's room and use his which he'd flip if he found out, but if my stepbrother did it, it'd be ok. The stress of my current situation is making me physically sick and I can't afford a doctor because no health insurance. I have a part time job that gets me about $500 a month, but they won't give extra hours. I have a second job that I should be starting in about a week. Right now I don't know what to do or where to go and I do just need to vent. I have no family members I could move in with and no friends to roommate with. I've been apartment searching for all bills paid apts so I don't have to worry about separate bills. I don't know if I should say I changed my ways and pretend to be a christian and see if my mom will let me come back or should i stay over here at my dad's house where its cold and dirty and he's supposedly coming back in the next month too or should I just I don't know...?

Submitted February 24, 2015 at 12:30PM by redninja115 Advice

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