At one point of your TRP journey you get confronted with having your female trying to get you to comply by threatening you. One popular and most of the time most effective threat for blue-minded men is the threat of her withholding sexual attention. Bill Burr (stand-up comedian with red pill mindset) gave a great analogy once: The rule of the infinite sandwich.
What’s the next fear? She’s gonna cut off the sex? Yeah, rub one out! Neutralized. It’s the most empty threat there is. Do it right in front of her: “Join me?” Yeah, I never understood that threat. That’s like somebody putting a chain around your refrigerator but you got a sandwich in your pocket. A never ending sandwich like some biblical shit, like Jesus with the fucking bread or whatever.
The underlying principle is: Masturbation is a gift. Your monkey brain wants to blow off some steam once in a while. The most pleasuring way to blow off steam is - for most guys - having sex. So what if you do not have access to sex because you did not up your game yet? You resort to masturbation and in doing so you take a slightly less pleasant but nonetheless purposeful way to get you to the relieving goal your monkey brain desires.
You would not get intimidated by someone telling you that they are not going to cook dinner for you while sitting in front of a full plate of food. You would simply laugh at their pitiful attempt at taking frame and start eating, almost choking on your fries because you can’t stop giggling. Treat someone telling you that they are not going to have sex with you the same.
Now with this rule I do not mean to dismiss NoFap. If you are a NoFap advocate holding frame might be a little less attractive for you but remember to not give in to said threat. Complying would only start the downward spiral to having a dead relationship. Never lose frame.
If your female is trying to dominate you with the threat of withholding sex simply laugh at her and rub one out.
Submitted November 27, 2016 at 04:11PM by yomalolo TheRedPill
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