So my girlfriend and I drive a really crappy car that honestly shouldn't even be on the road. It shakes and groans and moans and chatters and squeaks... all the time. It's awful. But it's what we have and we make it work, kinda. We've been saving everything we can since early February and we finally almost have enough to get a slightly less crappy and much more legal car off of craigslist.
Right now we have enough hours combined that when our next paychecks (we get paid the same day) come in we should have just enough money to get another car. Which will be amazing, I'll actually be able to drive at night again and even be able to leave the city limits of my town!
But of course I'm not just making this post here for recognition (all though a pat on the head is always nice)... I need some help! See the problem is we've got a week before our checks come in, and we have to leave our account untouched until the money comes in or we won't have enough. We've got everything covered besides food, in fact our refrigerator is completely empty save for a lonely bottle of ranch. So here I am hoping that one of you benevolent gifters deems me worthy of pizza! It may not solve my problem in its entirety, but it'll help immensely. Also who has time to worry about anything when biting into a slice of cheesy saucy goodness? Terrorists, that's who.
P.S. I suppose I should put actual useful info here. I'm from Northern California, have almost all major pizza chains available to me however we have a strong preference for Round Table because it's closest, my car has trouble making it all the way across town :P
Submitted May 27, 2016 at 11:30PM by PEE_SEE_PRINCIPAL RandomActsOfPizza
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