Friday, May 1, 2015

The Missing nosleep

Hundreds of times I had misplaced my hairbrush, but this time was different. I had put it on my nightstand, earlier in the morning, so I would remember where it was. The problem was, that my hairbrush was not on my nightstand, and for that matter it was not in my house. I had searched for it for hours, yielding no results. Being that I lived alone, and no one else had the opportunity to hide or steal it, my hairbrush's disappearance was unusual. Finally realizing that my hairbrush was completely gone, I shrugged my shoulders and plopped onto the couch, reaching over to the coffee table for the remote. But there was a problem. My remote was, like my hairbrush, gone. I stood up, and in a fit of rage, threw a pillow blindly across the room. The pillow hit my refrigerator and reminded me of lunch. I immediately calmed down and licked my lips, remembering the sub I had purchased previously that day. I made my way over to the fridge, thinking '' Whatever, I bet the whole missing thing was one of my friends' jokes anyways.'' Upon opening the fridge door, I realized something. Not only couldn't I find my sub but I also could not find anything in my fridge, it was completely and utterly empty. By this time my nerve was uncapped completely. Unthinking, I walked out of the kitchen and out the front door, I slammed it on the way out. In that instant, my heart stopped. Sitting before me was a dog, a dog that had my sandwich in its mouth. But this was no ordinary dog. This dog, in particular had jet black eyes, those of a demon, it also had grotesque, sewn on human hands, blood drooled from the dog's mouth.. Seeing no escape, I ran. But the dog did not follow. Instead, it produced my house key from thin air and morphed into a perfect clone of me. I stopped running. As this happened, I morphed into a normal, not terrifying dog. A dog that was silent, for I could not make a peep. I had, at this time, come to the realization that this was not a joke, and it was not going to fix itself.

Submitted May 01, 2015 at 06:02PM by RockySoccer nosleep

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