Friday, May 1, 2015

Pay em off, or earn miles to pay em off? personalfinance

I came into a chunk of money that'll let me pay off my vehicles, cards, etc. All told, about 20k debt. I have a Southwest Visa that earns me miles. Here's the question - do I just pay everything off, or is there a way I could be earning a huge chunk of miles in this process?

It's a truck, a motorcycle, a Carecredit account (vet bills), Home Depot card (yay failed refrigerator!) etc. I'm not sure I can even cross-pay a card with a card like that, or what, but I just feel like I'm missing a huge opportunity for ~40,000 miles if I don't at least ask.


Submitted May 02, 2015 at 12:50AM by GamingTrend personalfinance

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