Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lost power at rental AirBnB

My girlfriend and I rented a cottage in Aruba and the power has been out for about 24 hours. According to our host, the whole street is out and he doesn't know when it will be fixed. If this continues and we contact AirBnB, what will happen and will our host lose money?

It's very hot so even in the sealed refrigerator/freezer things are starting to go bad. We obviously have no AC now, and have no WiFi.

Is this something we just have to "suck up" and is a reality of AirBnB or should we complain? Our host is a nice old guy so I don't want to screw him over.

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 12:12AM by knickfan5745 AirBnB

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