Thursday, April 23, 2015

Is your laboratory haunted? Have you or your co-workers experienced anything that you couldn't explain? medlabprofessionals

I work in a laboratory that used to be the main floor for Surgery. They say countless people have died within the confines of our new laboratory and the area is haunted. I choose not to believe the stories, but a few explainable things have happened to me (and co-workers) within the last few years.

  1. I have seen books/clipboards/papers fly off machines and desktops without any gusts of air or wind or anything pushing it.
  2. I have heard the sound of tapping glass inside our walk-in refrigerator where we story controls/reagents. (The sound of glass control vials tapping against each other, a very distinct sound if you know what I am talking about). When I turned around to see what the sound was, it stopped.
  3. My co-worker had a ghost sighting in the blood bank in the middle of GY shift, and ran out yelling "Go away, leave me alone!"
  4. I have had several "corner of my eye" moments where I swore someone was behind me or walking past me but when I turned around there was nothing there.

Submitted April 23, 2015 at 11:02PM by daddyscientist medlabprofessionals

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