Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Anyone with a door-in-door fridge? could use feedback! homeowners

I'm closing on a house in a few days, and the first thing we'll need to buy is a refrigerator. I'm finding that Samsung seems to be the best value right now -- their designs seem to be nice and the most comparable models of other fridges (like LG) are a few hundred more expensive.

I'm down to a choice between one of their smaller/cheaper french door models (RF263BEAESR 25.6 cu ft) and a more expensive one (RF28HDEDBSR 27.8 cu ft) that is a little larger, has better lighting, and has the showcase door feature where you can press a button to open a panel on the front for quick access to beverages and other common items. The main downside compared to LG seems to be that the icemaker is not in the door. However the Samsung icemaker is long and narrow and doesn't really take up too much space, and the Samsung has a few handy features that the LG doesn't like a flip up shelf that mounts to the icemaker that will help with tall items.

I don't think we really need the extra space and I can't put hundreds in value on having a few extra LEDs so the main difference seems to be the showcase door. But is this really useful or is it more of a gimmick? it's true that we often open the door just to grab a soda, butter, or yogurt. But I'm not sure the convenience will be noticeable or the energy savings of any significance. And I'm wondering if putting those items in the door-in-door slots will complicate getting them when I'm grabbing more than one thing.

If you have one of these types of fridges let me know what you think. Would you pay for it again now that you've had it for a while? What are the pros and cons?


Submitted December 31, 2014 at 04:21AM by maracle6 http://www.reddit.com/r/homeowners/comments/2quznn/anyone_with_a_doorindoor_fridge_could_use_feedback/ homeowners

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