Saturday, January 13, 2018

TIFU By Boiling Soapy Water In A Tea Kettle tifu

As a preface this happened just yesterday. As I was cleaning at my friend's parents house, (summer job that turned permanent) there was a tea kettle on the stove that still had a tea packet and water in it for I don't know how long. So today while I was the only one in the house with the pets (two cats and one dog) I decided to clean it out. And this is where the FU happens. I filled it with 10 cups of hot water and soap and decided to set it on the stove to power boil, the stove was a flat top one. And I left it there to boil as I was cleaning the refrigerator off in the front, and a full minute and 30 seconds later without the tea kettle whistling I turned around just in time to see water shooting out of the spout and just as I was coming towards it to take it off of the eye the top of the tea kettle busted off and hot so soapy water spilled everywhere. I got it cleaned up in time before they came back, but at least the floor and cabinets got a good clean and none of the pets decided to walk in the kitchen at that time. Edit: TL;DR boiled water in a tea kettle and water overflowed everywhere

Submitted January 14, 2018 at 03:10AM by DraxenJinx tifu

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