Saturday, August 26, 2017

Looking for some input on refrigeration vandwellers

So what I'm trying to accomplish is having a 'mostly' if not completely solar powered refrigerator/freezer set up.

Since I intend on running this 24/7...365... I did plan on having a small gas generator to fill in the gaps when I need the extra juice.

What I have been considering at the moment was the 106Liter Dometic 12v/110v fridge/freezer...But likely only use the 12v input for the most part and just use the generator to keep the battery back at 100%

So some things I could use some feed back are....

  • Are these types of fridges, refrigerator AND freezer or.... refrigerator OR freezer? As in is the differentiation in the settings where I'm either freezing everything inside or can I have one portion frozen and one side refrigerated? If not are there other types that could accomplish that? Trying to avoid having to space out 2 separate pieces of equipment.

  • Is it practical to have a 100% solar set up for a non stop refrigerator? Or is it likely that I'll still be using that generator to charge up my bank on a weekly basis or something around that?

tl'dr look for advice on setting up an off-grid refrigerator/freezer set up.

Submitted August 27, 2017 at 02:33AM by FloridaTraffic vandwellers

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