Monday, March 27, 2017

Roommate moved out but still paying rent, using his key to harass me. legaladvice

For the past few months, my roommate and I haven't been getting along very well. Differences in cleanliness, in thoughts about apartment temperature, etc. Occasionally, he (or his girlfriend) would attempt to bother me, by locking the apartmental TV, or by physically removing the outer section of the thermostat (they put it back in a few hours). A few weeks ago, my roommate and his girlfriend began moving out, and then I went home for spring break.

I return to my apartment to find that they had glued my magents to the apartment refrigerator, and had glued my tool box shut. Other surprises they left that didn't necessarily damage the apartment include: relocating all of my food from the pantry to the counter, hiding the apartment TV remote control, stealing some sponges, and, perhaps most disturbingly, leaving used condom wrappers in the couch cushions and literally inside my printer. My roommate also stated that he would be coming by from time to time, so that he could make sure that I don't have guests over or that he would call the police. While I believe that I entirely within my right to have guests over, I would prefer not to have to talk to the police.

Just talking appears to be out of the question. I'm not really sure what to do, I just would like him gone. I've started talking to the property manager, but nothing has happened so far. I also had photographed the whole apartment before I left and then all of the damage and stuff when I got back.

Edit: Urbana, IL

Submitted March 27, 2017 at 03:33PM by 123yes11 legaladvice

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