Thursday, September 29, 2016

Contractor cut neutral causing huge power surge into my home. What should I be concerned about. electricians

On 9/14 a sub-contractor for At&t Uverse was laying Fiber Optic cable in my neighborhood. When they got to my property, while digging, they broke the neutral which caused a power surge into my house. I was just outside the door at the time, but looking in the windows, it looked & sounded like fireworks going off in my living room. Flashes & pops. It was pretty scary.

I’ve lost my refrigerator, oven, computer, & several other items.
My husband spoke with the sub-contractor for the Power Co. that did the repair and they confirmed the neutral was cut., which would have caused a surge. 5 houses were affected, but there’s a transformer between us and the other 4 houses. So we got the surge & they only lost power.

I think I should have called the fire dept, but didn’t. There was an electrical burning smell in my living room, but I believe that was isolated to a power strip. All companies involved are pointing fingers at the other, none taking responsibility. Nope on homeowners too.

With this scenario, what should I be concerned about? My refrigerator lived for 4 days before it started rattling & clunked. Bearing in mind, I have to pay for all this out of pocket until someone accepts the blame- do I need to have my home wiring tested. My home was built in 1980 with the original wiring. Is there any danger something happened behind the walls?

Should I have someone check out my heatpump? It seems to be working ok at the moment. Next question, If I had been inside holding the refrigerator door, would I have been electrocuted? I appreciate any pointers in things I should know to do or watch out for. I'm in NC. Thanks

Submitted September 30, 2016 at 04:14AM by rmd4922 electricians

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