Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wrong Number nosleep

“Wrong number”

I typed it out on my iPhone. Thought about adding in a “bro” there at the end to make it seem more informal or something, but reread it and suddenly felt like an idiot. Yeah, that’s getting deleted.

That’s when it first crossed my mind; why even send that at all? I usually play these things safe, by the books, but what’s wrong with having a little fun? After all, it wasn’t like I really have much of a social life going on, so in a weird way receiving a few more messages sounded sort of nice.

I felt a little tinge of guilt as I erased the rest of the message and prepared to start over.

It happened about five minutes ago. I was in my car, just having pulled into the garage in front of my apartment building, when I heard the little “bling” sound and the faint buzz of the vibration from my iPhone in my pocket. It had been a few weeks since I had even talked to someone outside of work, so I scrambled a bit to get my phone out from around my seatbelt, and fumbled with it as it temporarily blinded me in my dark car.

“Just got in.”

The message perplexed me for a minute. I noticed the sender information was a number I didn’t know, and it was obviously meant for someone else.

That’s where I came to my current predicament; I tried to convince myself I was doing this as a joke, but a small part of me kept reminding myself it was really out of loneliness. Whatever. What do I type back?

“How was it?” I typed, silently cursing myself for being so uncreative. I wanted to be vague though so I’d get more responses. Maybe I knew this person, or maybe somehow we’d hit it off! Maybe it would turn out to be a hot, single girl and I’d charm her into meeting me for real… Well, probably not judging by that first question, but I guess I could always dream.

I slammed the door shut and exited my car, walking briskly through the dim garage and toward the walkway to my apartment building. It was freezing and dark, and I just wanted to grab a cold beer and watch some TV.


The phone went off again. Excited, probably too much so, I grabbed at my pocket and whipped my phone back into view.

“On schedule. At the car now.”

I smirked slightly. My future girlfriend didn’t seem like much of a talker. I’d have to try a little harder to get her to open up!

I paused as an actual girl from my apartment building walked by toward the garage, avoiding eye contact with me. Yeah, it’s probably silly of me to be imagining I’m talking to someone I don’t even know when there are so many real people out there. I guess I’m just not that adventurous. This is about the most exciting thing I’ve done in a while.

Before I could get too over-analytical about the state of my social life, I decided to reply.

“Great! What’s the plan?”

I put my phone away, now silently praying I’d get a more detailed response as I walked across the glass-enclosed bridge to my apartment building. I pressed my keycard against the sensor on the door, emitting a shrill BEEP, and entered the warmth of the building. After rounding the first hallway, I heard it again;


As I stopped walking and reached for the phone, I heard the BEEP of the sensor again. I remembered I was close to the main entrance and probably shouldn’t just stand in the middle of the hallway like some people do, much to my annoyance. I put my head down and kept walking toward the elevator, reading the new message as I walked.

“Same as before. Should be done in the next half hour or so.”

I punched the elevator button and waited, now more confused. I wonder what this person’s up to tonight? I imagine my attractive single future girlfriend, driving her car home from a trip overseas, probably for a modeling gig, making a quick stop off somewhere to pick up some food and wine, and then rushing home to meet me for a nice dinner. Of course, she wouldn’t be going to meet ME, per say, but once I finished charming her with my texts of course she’d be all mine!

I chuckled to myself a little. Sounded ridiculous, even for a fantasy.


The elevator door opened. I got in, typing as I walked.

“So what’s new with you?” I type, trying my hardest to give open-ended questions so I could better get to know this person.


The elevator door opened again, and I stepped out onto my floor, and walked to my apartment.


The door opened, exposing my dark, dingy apartment. I walked straight to my refrigerator, grabbed a beer, and walked into my bedroom to get ready for a night of watching Netflix on my laptop and maybe continuing my strange and deceitful conversation with my new friend.


“Almost there. In the elevator.”

Interesting coincidence, I thought as I wondered what to say. I sighed, knowing that soon this person would be walking into his or her own apartment, and into whoever’s arms they probably thought they were talking to in the first place. I thought again about whether or not to just tell them I they had the wrong number, since they were about to figure it out anyway.


Damn apartment walls were so thin I could actually hear the elevator arriving on my floor. That’s what I get in exchange for cheap rent I guess, I thought, laughing to myself.

“Any fun plans for the weekend?” I texted, getting desperate. I don’t really know what my endgame was anymore. I guess I just –


I looked down at my phone again, this time seeing nothing but a black screen. I hadn’t felt a vibration either.

I looked around my dark room, confused. No idea where the noise came from…


The soft light from the hallway briefly illuminated my living room and quickly shut off again as the door opened and closed quietly, but I still heard the creak of the door. I slowly started to back up in my bed, knocking the computer in my lap to the floor and huddling against the corner of my dark room, listening to the still night. I heard nothing but the beating of my heart and the loud panting of my breath as I searched the darkness – eyes wide and alert.


The phone on the bed vibrated again, casting light into my room. I panicked, not wanting to alert whoever was in my house to my location. I grabbed at the phone, finding it difficult in my sweaty palms.

“I’m inside.”

Shivering throughout my entire body, I found the courage to write one more message, one I should have written before. I shakily finished, pressed send, and tossed my phone onto the floor. I closed my eyes, silenced my breathing, and waited to hear the tone from an inevitably closer place.

The message was still displayed on my phone.

“Wrong number.”

Submitted February 24, 2015 at 09:34PM by pleasure2kill http://ift.tt/1w7Px3g nosleep

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