Sunday, February 1, 2015

TIFU by putting the milk in the refrigerator tifu

Alright, this happened last night. I came home after hanging out with some friends. I was pretty tired, but I was still hungry. I served myself some cereal. Being super tired I put the gallon of milk inside a cabinet. Then I went to sleep.

I woke up super early, so no one else was up. I went to serve myself a drink when I found the milk in the cabinet. So I did the most logical thing and put it in the Fridge. Later my sister and I were watching tv, she was eating cereal. She told me it tasted super weird , I wasn't paying too much attention to her though. 30 minutes later she's in the bathroom vomiting as I type this. I feel super bad...

TL;DR - Fucked up, and now my sister is in the bathroom vomiting.

Submitted February 02, 2015 at 10:01AM by TalooseTrevino tifu

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