Monday, February 23, 2015

The Patient in Room 2 [Series] NSFW nosleep

Hey guys, here's another entry before I get ready to start my shift. In the journal the rooms are out of order, I'm not entirely sure why as there seems to be no significance to the events which took place during the intervals oh the entries. I'm just going to list them in numerical order. One additional note is that this is one of the rooms in which the original author noted multiple residents from the same room and as such they will be separated into two parts. For the reader's sake I will divide it into two separate posts.

Here we go.

Room 1

Room#: 2

Resident's Initials: L.T

D.O.A: 8/23/88

Current Date: 8/21/90

8/21/90 - First night doing the overnight shift and hopefully it won't be too bad. I'm used to the 3-11p shift so this will be a transition, however it shouldn't be too bad because I just have to make sure everyone is alive and isn't smoking in their room. LT is a consumer who is known for his behavioral issues and outright inappropriate behavior. He has issues with managing his money and becomes extremely aggressive and agitated. When checking his room the resident was noted snoring extremely loudly and frequently changing position, he is diagnosed with sleep apnea so checking up on him feels more important than some of the other residents. No incidents during the shift and according to the communication log he should have money, which would explain the lack of behavioral issues.

8/22/90 - I read in the communication log that LT ran out of money today and began cursing staff out. I prayed he would just sleep the whole night through and leave me alone until it was time to supervise 8am medications. Unfortunately, not long after my shift started, he awoke and went to the kitchen to search for food. When confronted about the situation the resident began cursing me, telling me that I have no business telling him what and what not to eat. On the contrary, it is actually my business because when a resident is that overweight, eating more during the middle of the night is surely not a good idea. Regardless he sat at the kitchen table, eating a frozen pot pie, and cursing at me and insulting the other staff. Some of the things he says are absolutely horrible and some are extremely sexually explicit. I don't even want to think about it anymore.

8/27/90 - It would seem the resident cashed a check today as he is docile today compared to last week. Tonight he came to me at the office between checking the floors and confided in me the history of how he ended up here. The stories he told, my god. He has a history of alcohol and drug abuse, cocaine and marijuana to be specific, so it didn't surprise me that a lot of his stories involved him being high off his ass and doing something stupid. In one incident he decided to pick a fight with a police officer who was arresting him for possession of a fairly significant amount of marijuana, not just the petty amount. He raved on and on about how the "racist pig" started beating him with his baton and forcing him to the ground, but made light of the fact that he had just struck that officer in the face with his elbow. Another incident involved him being so drunk that he jumped off his 2 story roof, in an attempt to kill himself, and breaking his leg. After that he was brought to the psychiatric unit of the hospital where he was transferred to the state psychiatric hospital. I don't understand how he could be deemed mentally ill when his issues seem to originate entirely from behavioral problems.

9/5/90 - Last night was the craziest night of all. Besides what was going on with several other residents LT is what worried me the most. During his sleep, he had numerous fits of gasping for air. I actually left the door to his room open so I could hear and make sure he was okay. By about 4am he stopped snoring and gasping for air and began sleep talking. It sounded as if he was speaking to someone so I got up to check his room and there was nobody in there. Still, I left the door open to make sure he was okay but I really wish I'd shut it so I wouldn't have heard his stories or plans. He went into great detail of exactly how he would kill each staff member, particularly the ones he didn't like, it was horrifying. What creeped me out the most was that it sounded as if he was giving the instructions to someone. Telling whoever that they wanted them to cause a car crash two blocks away while the person was driving home, or for them to be assaulted at the gas station. The worst of all was that he wanted our manager to be strung up and tortured to death with small cuts all over the body. I wrote these down in our communication log and was responded to as if they were inconsequential thoughts.

9/14/90 - Everything was going good last night until I got a phone call from my manager. She asked me to cross out one of my coworker's names off the schedule, that they had been in a car accident that night while driving home from work and would be out for a few months. Now, this staff member's shift ended a few hours before mine so I didn't know them too well, but the fact that they had a car accident just a few blocks away while driving home almost brought me to tears. Just as I hung up the phone and scratched their name off the schedule LT appeared in the doorway, seemingly out of nowhere. He asked if he could talk and I said sure. He was telling me about how his nerves were getting to him and he felt shaky and just wanted some coffee, at 11:47pm. I told him no for the coffee and to just try and get some rest. On his way out of the office he asked if the staff member whose name I had scratched off the schedule, which he could not have seen, was okay because he "had a bad feeling about them". I informed him to not worry about them, that they were fine, and to get to bed. At approximately 3:43am I heard LT stop snoring and start sleep talking again. This time he was cursing at whoever was in his sleep, telling them they messed up and that the person was okay.

I skip a few entries here because they were "nothing to report" entries. Just the resident being loud and angry because he had no money, or he was being well behaved.

10/11/90 - I was informed by LT tonight when I arrived that there will be a funeral gathering for one of the other staff members. He stated that they had been shot while getting the work car's tank filled up. The vehicle had been stolen and by the time EMS arrived they were too late. Sure enough this report was verified through our communication log and the staff member really had been killed at a gas station. These coincidences were really starting to worry me and I couldn't even imagine what would happen to our manager. She is a nice lady, young, smart, pretty, but she is also very strict when it comes to following our rules. The rest of the night was quiet, including the other residents thankfully.

10/13/90 - The resident has remained quite calm, and even without money he has not thrown any fit. His behavior is abnormally good. This often worries me more than bad behavior that is baseline. He woke up once to vomit and immediately returned to bed. When interviewed about it he stated he hadn’t been feeling well and didn’t eat dinner tonight. Based on that I never would have expected the smell to be so horrible, it smelled of spoiled meat and general decay. Like when you open up your refrigerator after going on vacation for 3 weeks and forgot to get rid of that already week old ground beef. Also, the sheer volume of it was a concern, easily enough to fill a small cleaning pail. I notified my supervisor (above manager) and she instructed me to follow protocol, which is to suggest to the resident that they seek emergency medical attention or to sign an official refusal form. LT refused medical treatment stating he was fine and was just going through something. As I produced the refusal form he vomited again, in similar volume to the first time, mostly over the floor as well as my arms. I don’t even want to describe the experience anymore but for the last time I’ll do it here. The color was definitely green, lime green, and was chunky and consisted of what looked like chunks of meat you’d find in a soup/stew, and it smelled exactly the same. Thankfully our facility has a shower in the staff bathroom, in case one of the residents needs one immediately.

10/15/90 - After what happened last week, the resident has stopped vomiting but has been looking very pale and very weak. Now, it was difficult to tell due to his skin being so dark but I swear I saw some kind of markings on his arms and back that I hadn’t noticed before. Perhaps it was because he was looking more pale that the tattoo became more noticeable. Anyway, LT slept the whole night through and neither vomited nor talked in his sleep.

10/23/90 - The past week or so has been crazy, but I can say at the very least that LT has been behaving normally. I was listening to LT and sure enough at about 2:47am he began talking again and seemed anxious about something. He kept asking "when's it gonna happen?" or telling whoever that it needs to happen soon.

11/1/90 - It happened. It came true. And now administration finally believes me. They found my manager hanging in her office over a rubbermaid container. She had been sliced more times than the EMS could count and it appeared that all of her blood had emptied into the container. There were no prints found on either the container or the knife left at the scene. It has been decided by our director that the resident is to be taken away, based on my reports in the communication log and the events which took place.

11/3/90 - I was questioned by Detective O'Brien today about the happenings that occurred over the past few months. He questioned whether I had anything to do with them but thankfully I keep a very good record of what I do. He asked if there was anything about the resident in room #2 that would lead me to believe he had done these acts. I replied only with the fact that he had spoken of the events prior to them happening but had never left his room during the night. He thanked me for the information and sent me on my way.

There's an additional note at the bottom of the page from a about a month or later.

1/25/90 - I now know why the symbols on the pipe in room #1 looked so familiar. I had already seen them before. They were inlaid in the elaborate knife used to murder my manager back in November. These same markings, if I can remember properly, were also very similar to the tattoos on LT’s body. I don't know the importance of these markings. All I know is that we have a new guest arriving next week who will be staying in room #2 and I pray that they are nothing like LT.

I'll be uploading the stories of this second resident soon. To answer the question of the residents who followed in room #1 this journal doesn't appear to have anything about them in it. But for the rooms where the author notes all occupants of a given room I will give them their own post.

Until next time!

Submitted February 24, 2015 at 07:40AM by Mentalmentalworker nosleep

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