Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tales from an old fart admin - The Network Refrigerator talesfromtechsupport

I'm keeping this a short one as I have to head out soon. Ever fudge a technical excuse to keep some small convenience or procedure? My team took it to a whole new level.

Scene: Very Large Insurer. 2004ish.

Every so often, the facility management team will go around asking the company to comply with certain safety regulations. Usually it's small, common sense stuff like "keep any desktop laser printers at least 3-6 inches from your cube wall to avoid overheating and fires" or "no space heaters or coffee makers at/under desks". We get it, they're just doing their job.

One bane of almost any workplace is the company fridge. I swear, those things are a magnet for passive/aggressive behavior. Our team tried to avoid it like the plague. We had a nice mini-fridge stashed under one of our team's desk. We were concerned, however, that facilities would think this a no-no and make off with it.

Facilities is aware that we do keep some network equipment at our desks for testing, troubleshooting, and the like. All devices are labeled using a naming convention (example 002-HO-FW1, which would be 002 is development, HO is home office, and FW1 is firewall number one). This naming convention is to ID the hostname of the device on the network so we know what it is, as well as the physical asset. Cue inspiration! My manager grabs the label maker, prints out 001-HO-FRG1 and sticks it on our local mini-fridge. For over a year the fridge was never touched/removed by the facilities team, probably out of fear that they would be removing a piece of production network equipment. Shweet.

Submitted February 25, 2015 at 02:31AM by TechRentedMule http://ift.tt/1DlYeMK talesfromtechsupport

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