Monday, February 2, 2015

5-MeO-MiPT/AL-LAD disaster researchchemicals

My friend and I wanted to test out some 100mcg tabs of AL-LAD I'd gotten some time ago. We both dose out at around 7 pm. After an hour or so we aren't feeling much so I measure out some 4-ACO-DMT but he wants 5-MEO-MIPT. I took 33mg 4-ACO and measure him out 25mg 5-MEO-MIPT. A third friend decides he'd try 22mg of 4-ACO-DMT.

T + 0:00 We get into his hot tub. Mind you, it is very cold right now and there was snow everywhere, but the hot tube was delightful. About 20 minutes into hottubbing MEO friend starts saying he's tripping really hard. I had been for some time because I'd taken mine about half an hour before them because we were interrupted. He seemed distressed though.

T + 0:40 We're back inside now in MEO friend's game room. He's laying in a recliner being really concerned about his mom. Myself and other friend are just chillin playing some video games.

T + 1:00 MEO friend begins to complain of pain. He can't qualify it, just says he's in pain everywhere. It's clearly manageable because he walks around a little, but he does complain frequently.

T + 1:45 We decided to go upstairs for some food. There's a whole fucking ham in the freezer and it's delicious, but before we really get to enjoy it MEO friend starts acting kind of drunk. He eventually ran into the refrigerator head on and we decided to help him down the stairs. Half way down he faints for a second. We catch him and he's conscious again before we can really react to it. We go back into the room and he starts getting weird. Speaking jibberish.

T + 2:00 He begins having egocentric issues. Asking who he is, demanding he is himself, and so on. In an attempt to calm him down I sit him down and tell him to play GTA. Instead, he gets up and runs the fuck into a wall, only missing his TV by about half a foot. I sit him back down and this is when shit gets out of hand. He starts having loud outbursts of the same phrases. "HO-LEE SHIT BRUH" was the most memorable by far, because he said it the same fucking way every time. He starts flailing limbs a few minutes later, to the point where my friend and I have to restrain him. He doesn't seem to notice. He does however keep having these outbursts, some where actually really funny. At one point he exclaims "I am what I am.... gay". It was a really serious time, but we couldn't help but laugh our asses off at that.

T + 2:20 It's gotten so bad my friend has to have his hand over MEO's mouth to silence what had become yelling incoherently, "HO-LEE SHIT, BRUH" still a frequent occurrence. It seems like he's stuck in a loop. He keeps yelling the same things. Asking if he fainted, holy shit, asking who we were, asking who he was, something about that 70's show and big bang theory, some stuff about him exploding, and various other fragmented thoughts.

T + 2:30 Not much has changed, but my friend and I are getting very tired. MEO is the best lacrosse player in the state and is ripped as shit. At one point he pushed me single handedly right off of him. I'm 220 lb. We eventually get the hang of things but it's becoming quite voilent. He's still trying to yell stuff out and is fidgeting, obviously trying to get free and flail his arms. At one point he clocked my friend in the face and made him start bleeding.

T + 3:00 things get oddly sexual. He starts saying he wants pussy and something about threesomes. As a test I ask if he wants to fuck me, to which he immediately replies "FUCK NO" which we thought was immensely hilarious.

T + 3:30 He has incidents of calm. Short periods where he almost seems to come to. He actually apologized for decking my friend in the face. However then he'd start flailing around again and yelling and we'd have to go back to restraining him.

T + 4:00 By some miracle of the gods his mom hasn't heard us, thank god for soundproofing. He is starting to actually come to this time. He knows his name, knows where he is, but is still very confused and remembers nothing. He does occasionally still say he needs pussy, but he isn't yelling anymore. In another 20 minutes he was totally baseline. The weirdest fucking part is that he didn't remember most all of it, but wanted to go back as soon as he came down. He remembered running into the wall, and said "oh yeah, that was GTA" and laughed. He remembered punching my friend, and apologized profusely.

Ultimately it was the strangest and scariest experience I've ever had with a drug. Could he have a bad reaction with 5-MEO-MIPT? He'd talked about being in pain and having muscle spasms on it before, but never anything like this. Did the AL-LAD do anything? I just don't understand why and it scares me. He's totally fine right now and it's 2 days later, but still wants to do more drugs. I'm his source so I've cut him off for the time being. He really wants some MXE but it seems like a bad idea. Thoughts?

Submitted February 03, 2015 at 09:15AM by drugsuser researchchemicals

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