Tuesday, December 20, 2016

[TOMT][Commercial] an old Superbowl softdrink commercial tipofmytongue

There was a Superbowl commercial back in the 90's. i think it was for Pepsi. in the commercial, pro wrestlers were talking about how people often discredit the sport because it looks obviously fake when they hit each other.

The wrestler then reaches out to open a refrigerator and grab a soft drink can, but when he interacts with objects, his hand is noticably a few inches to the side of the items. (much like the 'fake' punches in pro wrestling he spoke of earlier)

i do not believe the wrestlers were actual stars of pro werestling, just characters for the commercial.

Submitted December 20, 2016 at 09:42PM by tipwik http://ift.tt/2hWhbkr tipofmytongue

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