Tuesday, December 20, 2016

[TOMT] [video] does anyone remember the name of this strange / awesome / possibly obscure music video? tipofmytongue

i think the opening shot is a fan blowing. there's a toddler in a kitchen climbing a refrigerator in red pajamas and his mom is pouring (pink?) liquid overflowing in glasses and a man comes through the window and kidnaps him. he takes the kid to this underground layer bedroom and dyes his hair black and he puts the kid in a black sailor suit and the kid drums on the man's head with drumsticks and drinks fish in a blender that reverse blends. at the end the mom makes a scary face and witch fingers at the camera. the rest i forget...

Submitted December 20, 2016 at 10:27PM by wristband17 http://ift.tt/2ibRwTM tipofmytongue

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