Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Need to rent this place ASAP Rolla

I'll keep it brief. I'm a student at Missouri S&T and medical reasons are forcing me to relocate away from Rolla for a while. Problem is, I have an off campus rental house rented for the next six months that I need to pass on to another tenant before Investment Realty will let me out of the lease.

The place is 705 Arkansas Avenue, and it will be available the first of January. It's a two bed and one bath with stove and refrigerator for $425 a month. It's a fantastic location, quiet neighborhood, about 10 minute walk from the Comp Sci building. I've had no problems with it and I'd be happy to keep it for another six months if I was able to.

Here's the location:

I'm not asking for charity, just pass the word around or check the place out and if you like it you'll be doing me a huge favor taking it off my hands. Let the Investment Realty folks know the current tenant directed you towards the property if you can, they give me a discount if I find the next tenant and that would really help me out now.

Submitted December 06, 2017 at 11:46AM by GrammerAngel2 Rolla

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