I've been living in a house with 4 other people (25M, 29M, 24F, 25F) since August. My 29M roommate decided over the summer to pull in his girlfriend, the one I have issues with, when our lease renewed since a couple of roommates moved out. Since she's moved in, things at the house have been unbelievably frustrating and I don't know how to address the situation.
My issues with her: she's lazy and doesn't contribute to cleaning (her boyfriend does it), she brought her 2 cats (we're specifically not allowed to have pets) and they're annoying messes, she leaves her little art projects all over the kitchen table, she took over one (of a total 3) bathroom sinks for herself and her makeup, and her being here exacerbates the laziness/inconsiderate behavior I don't like about her boyfriend (whom I've lived with for the last year). The 2 of them have completely taken over the refrigerator to the point where our other roommate had to get a mini-fridge for his stuff. That wasn't an issue last year and 5 of us were living in the house.
For most people, this could be easily addressed and fixed. Bit with her, it's her personality and emotional instability that make this difficult. She's thin-skinned, takes everything personally, jumps to conclusions, escalates things that don't need full blown confrontations, can't take criticism, and has overall poor people skills. It's clear that she has deep-seated issues. I'm generally pleasant, unassuming, quiet, and like to respect people's space. But she's blown up on me several times already for rather small things. Once, she delusionally thought my girlfriend and I were talking shit about her. That flat out didn't happen. She got her boyfriend to fight the battle and never apologized for her accusation.
I have to approach this with kid gloves, but sitting down and having a rational conversation about these grievances doesn't seem possible. Any suggestions on how to go about discussing these issues? I'd rather not wait until everything boils over and I, a typically rational and even-tempered person, lose my cool and chew her out.
Tl;dr: I live with an unbalanced crazy woman and I'm getting really tired of her nonsense.
Submitted December 06, 2017 at 11:35PM by dylanbob5 http://ift.tt/2iZuV39 relationships
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