Saturday, September 23, 2017

Some observations one month into my keto journey keto

I started keto about one month ago. I've been combining it with IF and daily walking and I'm down around 20 lbs. (I started at about 280 and I'm trying to lose a hundred pounds before my wedding in 13 months.) Go me. A few things I've noticed - a lot of this is probably old info for most here, but it's new and fascinating to me, so I thought I'd share:

  1. Keto seems to be a calorie restriction where your diet suppresses your appetite. Not only this, but the restrictive nature of the foods you're permitted forces you to be constantly mindful of your eating habits. No more mindlessly opening the refrigerator door. This, more so I think than ketosis, is the strength of the diet, and it's a quality that I find lends itself very well to IF.

  2. My cravings for things sweet have dissipated dramatically. I didn't have much of a sweet tooth before, but it's completely gone now. I do miss beer and the occasional pizza (I know about fathead pizza, but for me, the crust has always been kind of an essential part of pizza, and poor substitutions are exactly that).

  3. Variety is difficult. I have my staples - mostly salad versions of my favorite foods without their ordinary carbs. My favorite (and I can't speak highly enough about this) is Sushi Bowl. It's a recipe of my own creation, and I could eat it every week. It's spicy tuna (chopped up raw ahi tuna with mayo, lemon juice, sesame oil, and Splenda), shrimp, and any other raw fish (used barbecued eel once which was great but has a few carbs), julienned cucumber and red pepper, strips of nori (seaweed), avocado, and some soy sauce over chopped iceberg lettuce. It's amazing and totally satisfies my sushi craving without 18 lbs of rice.

  4. Wow can I not hold my liquor. There's little to say here - I'm sure anyone on this subreddit who enjoys an occasional libation has discovered the dangerous truth. Over-indulgence in alcohol can be brutal on keto. A recent night out with some friends and one too many vodka sodas with a splash of cran (oh just typing those words releases a flood of emotions) gave me a hangover I haven't experienced since college. That's a mistake I won't repeat.

  5. My biggest concern is what happens after. I have no doubt that if I keep doing what I'm doing, I can lose the weight. But I don't want to or think I could do keto as a permanent lifestyle. At some point, I want to be able to eat - not like I used to - but like a normal, fit person. Low carb diets are infamous for dieters quickly putting all their weight back after the diet. I suppose that's a problem I can work on when I'm skinny-me.

Well thanks for reading. I've lurked around this sub for a while, and the folks here are super motivating. Very happy to be making the plunge.

Submitted September 24, 2017 at 01:20AM by RecycleYourCats keto

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