Friday, June 2, 2017

[Request] KetoChow/BPC/Uber-Breakfast Shake on the Go? xxketo

I'm about to start a new job (!!!) that will be high-pressure, 60+ hour weeks, and a huge step up in my career. I'm recommitting to Keto so that I'm primed mentally to perform at my best.

I lift 3 days a week, and do yoga or run on the off-days. I'll be headed directly from the gym to work on-site, and will not have a refrigerator I can access from the time I leave for the gym to when I get home.

I'd like to create some sort of shake that combines Bullet-Proof Coffee with the heavy cream-based KetoChow shakes that I've relied on in the past into some sort of uber-breakfast that doesn't require refrigeration.

I'll be doing some tests with KetoChow Vanilla / Coffee / Coconut Oil this weekend, but if anyone has already cracked the code, I'd love to hear your recipe!

Submitted June 03, 2017 at 12:12AM by oppositewithlions xxketo

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