Thursday, June 1, 2017

LSD and silica packet in fridge. will my method work? Drugs

iv herd the refrigerator is a bad idea due to moisture but i think i have a decent concept here.

1) put the blotter in a ziplock bag(reduce air exposure)

2) wrapped ziplock in tinfoil(reduce light exposure)

3) placed the tinfoil wrapped goods in a mason jar along with a silica packet to further reduce any moisture

4) place full mason jar in refrigerator to maintain a stable temp

I know people say the fridge isnt necessary but i live in nyc and our apartments have drastic temperature shifts here. the fridge seems like my best option considering a stable temp but obviously i need to keep that moisture out.

Should i worry about the silica packets cross contaminating the blotter?

Submitted June 01, 2017 at 10:50PM by murfman713 Drugs

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