Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Amana Refrigerator BR18 - evaporator fan motor gets stuck, needs a nudge to get going again appliancerepair

Pics if you think it will help: http://ift.tt/2nyDa6z.
My refrigerator was getting warm, but my freezer was still cold so I realized the problem was with the fan blowing the cold air up from the freezer to the rest of the fridge. I took off the back panel and tried to tinker around with it, and everything seemed to be working fine. When I re-assembled everything, I had the same issue, so I removed the back panel again and realized that the issue is the fan in the back needs a little nudge to get it going, and then it will work fine for a while. But then when it stops and wants to start again it is stuck and needs another nudge. So for the past couple months I've kept the little protector thing off it and I'll just poke it every once in a while.
I assume the answer is to just replace the motor, but I was wondering if there is any other solution. This is an old fridge that has been in the garage since I moved into this house, so I'd rather not spend too much on this. I looked up the part number is Whirlpool - AP6005417 which I can find for around $130. But If I just google it I come up with something like this that looks generic and only around $30. So do I need the exact part, or is there anything specific I need to look for in a replacement motor?
Thanks for your help!

Submitted March 22, 2017 at 03:47AM by letsgetweird http://ift.tt/2nyrT6k appliancerepair

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