I am 3 months into a 1-year lease and already I'm fed up with my landlord's lack of notice regarding pretty much anything ever.
Yesterday my landlord decided to paint the exterior of the house. She did not notify me of this, which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that my designated parking space is close enough to be reached with substantial paint spatter. She claims to have knocked around 9 to suggest I move my car, but I work 8-5 (and take public transit there/back) so when I didn't answer she went ahead anyway.
Then there's the week before when she brought in someone to work on something in the house. They unplugged and moved the refrigerator. I was visiting my parents for a few days and by the time I returned it had been unplugged for 4 days because they forgot to plug it back in.
Two weeks before that she actually managed to give me notice of something - that they were going to redo the floor in the entryway (kitchen specifically) of the house and I wouldn't be able to go into the kitchen for 48 hours. She only gave me 19 hours notice and wouldn't offer any alternative housing because by her logic I should just stay inside the house and not come/go or want anything from the kitchen for 48 hours. I found somewhere else to go...only to show up after 48 hours to learn work hadn't even started yet, it was starting that day because according to the guy doing the work she delayed it for silly stuff. So overall I was out for 4 days for what was originally 19 hours notice of 2 days.
Then two weeks before THAT my water was turned off for a day without any notice. The city said that they called her and scheduled it with her personally 3 weeks prior but she never told me. Since I was unaware I did normal things like take a shower, run the dishwasher, start laundry...causing the water heater to empty and it was damaged. You can guess how helpful she was about getting it fixed.
This stuff happens constantly. I have lived here only 3 months and already have a list of 27 times something she did affected me but she either did not notify me at all or gave me a level of notice that wasn't really adequate for the scale of the situation.
After 3 weeks of living here and 3 events I sent her a certified letter (and kept a copy) saying that I understand I have certain rights regarding notice of entry of the house, etc., but that beyond that I would appreciate advance notice of anything major. I sent another 2 weeks later after she removed several of the house's windows overnight. Did you know Arizona has moths and bats aplenty? I do now.
She never responded but I finally got her to talk to me about 2 weeks ago. I tried to be firm and explain why these things are an issue for me and she basically brushed it off saying that she must legally give me notice of entering the house but I'm not entitled to anything in emergencies, and that she can do whatever needs to be done outside without my permission. While that may be true it is making it incredibly difficult to live here.
How can I get out of this? She was very quick to remind me I'm locked into a 1-year lease so I don't think she'd let me walk away, and I don't think she's done much that's actually illegal - just awful for me.
I'd appreciate any advice you might offer. Thank you.
Submitted August 03, 2015 at 05:30AM by nonoticeever http://ift.tt/1JGjjGM legaladvice
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