Saturday, July 30, 2016

Looking to start a sourdough starter and have a few questions Breadit

i have made starters 2 times before but always made just enough for what i was baking. I am looking for some advise or links to helpful websites on how often to feed and how to best store a starter.

i know you start and feed with equal parts flour and water (i use room temp water and get the starter going at room temp on my counter)

really looking for thoughts on:

*temp of getting a starter ?

*weather or not you should throw out half the starter when you feed?

*how often to feed ( i was doing once a day for about a week)?

*store on a shelf or refrigerator?

*how long they can stay?

*once started how often do you feed?

any and all help or advise or encouragement is greatly appreciated.

Submitted July 30, 2016 at 10:59PM by GLHalJordan2814 Breadit

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