Thursday, August 24, 2017

Programmable Matter Currency - If I have a extremely high tech matter printer that can create most anything out of programmable matter, how do I make Diamond worth more than rubber? worldbuilding

Let me give you some Context

You live in a Post-Genesis Mega City. Commonplace throughout the world and is a good place to be.

The global currency that you (and every other human under UEN law) are payed in is called Terra. Terra is programmable matter that can be synthesized into products at your household matter synthesizer (which are about as common as refrigerators, everybody has one).

When you receive a paycheck, the Terra you earned is deposited directly into your GCB (Global Central Bank) Account, and transported to your house / apartment / condo or whatever by teller AIs at your local GCB distributor (Basically giant automatic ATMs that pay you). The Terra you earned is stored in a ultra-compacted tank that is connected to your matter synthesizer.

Whenever you want to 'synthesize' a product, instead of going to the store to buy what you need, Terra is subtracted from your account equal to the amount of terra needed to print the product. As such, Terras value is measured in metric weight (5 kilos of terra, 20 grams of terra, 'That'll be 50 grams of Terra, sir...').

This is where we run into trouble.

Terra is Programmable matter, like I stated before. It can change its physical and chemical composition and change into virtually anything, Plastic, Rubber, Glass, all kinds of food (Which we're sort of doing today with the lab grown meat), and of course precious metals like Diamonds, Gold and what not.

If Precious metals and other valuable materials are available to anyone with a synthesizer (so everyone) how do I keep 5 grams of Diamonds or Gold more valuable than 5 grams of Rubber or plastic?

This process isn't set in stone in my canon yet, so if one of your gracious genius' comes up with a solution, I'm willing to rewrite most (if not all) of this process to make it more realistic.

Thank you!

Submitted August 25, 2017 at 03:00AM by Echoblammo worldbuilding

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