Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Life in America is becoming simply god awful offmychest

I'm not talking about the smartphones and cars and refrigerators everyone uses to measure the quality of our lives.

I'm talking about the quality of our social, cultural, and personal lives.

  • We're punished in this country for having families and responsibilities, because our careers and employers make us suffer for it. If you take time off to have a kid and raise them, then you will almost never be able to make money ever again.

  • Acts of altruism are punished by employers -- taking time off to care for someone in need, your career and employment is fucked.

  • Our own personal lives are punished -- employers barely give us any vacation time or leave, and if we want to make a decent living, chances are we're going to have to spend significant personal time developing our careers, and working long hours

  • Employers rule our lives because we need to work to survive, and we have nearly no rights whatsoever as employees.

  • And if we don't work, we're at the mercy of the flimsiest safety net in the developed world that's designed to punish us, not help us, for not playing this game.

  • Private corporations have taken over nearly every resource that used to belong to the public. We've been pitted against each other with propaganda so we can't even have communities anymore.

  • We're getting paid less and less measured to the cost of living, making us even more dependent on our employers and private corporations.

  • We no longer have any say in our government, with voters having a noted 0% effect on legislation passed (yes, 0%, from that Princeton study).

  • And more! So much more.

The only solution is to acclimate to this limited life that's less than what we had before, and way less than what people have in every other developed country.

And we're told by these powers that be that it's all our fault! Even though we have 0% say in how anything is run here!

What the fuck is this? What kind of life is this to live?

Submitted August 24, 2017 at 05:09AM by carpetkaiser offmychest

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