Tuesday, January 3, 2017

[NSV] A Valuable Lesson, and a Loseit Amateur Tip. loseit

Starting the year off on the left step was quite unlike myself. I made a set of rules and actually followed them! Well, for one day, but that is not the point of my message here today. Many of you will not recognize me. Though I am not a complete stranger to this place; I pledged about, oh, 6 months or so ago; I am fairly new to any sort of weight loss plan. In stereotypical fashion, my New Year's Resolution was to lose weight, and damn if I won't give it my best. I feel like I have a decent set of rules: No sodas (after what is currently in my refrigerator is gone), prepackaged snack cakes, and a more recent addition, cakes in general; Count every damn calorie I consume (MFP); and don't give up again. I've already broken two of those rules, and in your classic plot twist style, that is how I achieved my NSV.

As you can assume from my age in my flair, I am a high school student. I've been at home for the past two weeks for holiday break, and I go back in about 7 and a half hours. It is currently 12:38 AM, and I should probably get some sleep, but hell. The first day back is nothing but paperwork anyways. I digress. Due to your typical "rebellious" teenage nature, I stay up late, therefore I wake up late. It's a bit of a cycle. During the summer I end up going to sleep at 6AM and waking up at 4:30-5PM. You probably catch my drift. It was just after midnight yesterday that I realized I had a bit of a craving. A craving for sugar. Well, as "luck" would have it, there was a fine Italian Cream Cake sitting in my kitchen, calling my name, begging me to fork it. Yes, that was a reference to that one frozen entree commercial. So I give in to my urges and have a slice. A big slice. Resolutions be damned! I added it as a snack on MFP and I realized that this could be a personal TIFU; It weighed in at ~650 calories. Heartburn aside, I felt horrible after it. That's a meal and a half in calories, and practically a day's worth of sugar alone!

I tagged this as an NSV, right?

I realized something I should have realized long ago.

It wasn't worth it.

In addition to my realization, I made one of the most sensible choices I've made in quite some time. My mother, whom I may add is in far better shape than I, even at 52, was hungry while we were out shopping. We went to Sonic, and I made a choice I am still proud of. Instead of letting my usual intuition of fast food restaurant = huge meal, I ordered one thing. A single Lil Chickie Griller. A slice of texas toast with cheese, buffalo sauce, and a single chicken tender. Well, I had that and an unsweetened tea, but tea is practically leaf water, and I drink it all the time in place of more sugary beverages. Anywho, that one sandwich, while gone quickly, was all I had for lunch. That's it. I had ONE SMALL SANDWICH! I'm a person that usually has three sandwiches when I get home from school, and my entire lunch was under 250 calories! Now, this may seem extremely small, but for me, this is practically a milestone. I learned that small portions can still be fulfilling. Well, that and I cannot have cake at midnight, but hey, whatever works.

I also said I had a tip. An LAT, if you will.

Even though it is tempting, do not ruin your day with a sickeningly huge midnight snack. No matter how much you want it, fight it. Turn on the trumpet fanfare and training montage. If you must absolutely have something, make it something sensible, like a low-fat fiber bar, or maybe some popcorn. I don't know. I'm not an expert. Hence Loseit Amateur Tip.

If this post wasn't appropriate, then I do apologize. I just had to get the word out.

Tl;Dr; Lost the battle, but I'm still in the war. Also, cake is my new mortal enemy.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, pardon me if the formatting is poor. I am on mobile.

Submitted January 03, 2017 at 11:41AM by Nexdah http://ift.tt/2ixAwc5 loseit

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