Thursday, December 22, 2016

Vegans and Kidney Stones vegan

So I felt compelled to share something that might be a consideration. I started on my vegan journey like about 16 years ago. A few years ago I developed calcium oxalate kidney stones. Ouch! Something that I would not want to wish upon anyone. I've heard in the past that vegetarians in general have fewer incidences of kidney stones than carnivores so it took me for a surprise when I found out that I had them.

Here's what I have found. The foods that are the staples for many vegans such as soy and legumes are high in oxalates. I love spinach and always had a bag in the cooler. Walking past the refrigerator I would often take a handful of spinach and shove it into my mouth, like all the time. Spinach is very high in oxalates! Potatoes are high in oxalates. I think that plant based diet folks are taking in a high amount of oxalates. Anyhow, to cut this story shorter...

Oxalates can accumulate in your kidneys to form these painful stones. If you're not consuming calcium to bind with the oxalates in your stomach to excrete them then they can accumulate in the kidney(s), form into a stone and once it decides to leave the kidney it will be the worst pain that you have ever felt!

I'm just mentioning this because I don't want my fellow non meat eaters to go through what I did. Do some research into this area and do your best to avoid kidney stones. And the number one thing, drink lots of water! It's the best thing that you can do to avoid these suckers.

Submitted December 22, 2016 at 08:42PM by snoosbodyguard vegan

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