Monday, December 19, 2016

My house may be haunted... (AKA: The List) shittynosleep

Hey guys norider101 here...back again with some serious scary shit that just happened to me 5 minutes ago. It has still haunted me to this day, and I find that I've been having night terrors stay tuned cause what's coming next will spook you...

It all started when I woke up this morning...I was really hungry so I grabbed some cereal... I got the box out of the cupboard, this morning I was feeling a little bad so I picked Raisin Bran over Cornflakes. I got my bowl and spoon and then went over to the fridge to get my milk. I took out the milk and put it by the bowl and went back to close the refrigerator door when I noticed a list...

On it...were some of the most scariest things I've ever read:

Hello there, norider101. For the next week you're house will be forever haunted by these things:

Sunday: Your box of Caprisuns? Half of the juice packets won't have straws...and the other half...the straws will be bent when you try and put them in the hole!

Monday: Your TV volume will be either too loud or too quiet. It will never be perfect no matter how you adjust the volume!!! At night you will never find that comfortable position to fall asleep!

Tuesday: Your boss will give Randy the new promotion, and your desk will be moved away from your crush Jennifer over to the back corner! Randy will get your desk and have rough, gratuitous sex with Jennifer that night. Also you will only be able to say the word "balimbous" the whole day.

Wednesday: You will be consistently bored! Not in the mood to do anything at all! And your TV dinners will be frozen even after attempts at hearing them!!

After reading half the list, norider101 couldn't believe what was happening. It was a nightmare, a terror, he was living some of his worst fears. Blood began shooting out of his eyes and his chest cavity imploded as a mixture of vomit and diarrhea left every orifice of his body. Still he kept reading...

Thursday: You'll be forced to spend the afternoon with your socially awkward cousins! And the room will always be too hot or cold!

Friday: Your mother and father will die from the gruesome bludgeoning of a crazed serial killer. Your sister will be mauled by a bear and your two kids will die in a plane crash after your ex wife's new husband came up with the idea to do a surprise vacation.

Also you will have random boners pop out when talking to coworkers today on causal Friday!

Saturday: You'll run out of bread!!!!

By now norider101's head has thrown up his whole body, causing him to look inverted as his spinal cord and organs stick out of the wonky, twisted version of a man. The top of his head was now the back of his head, his mouth like a gateway to hell as the horrifying image of an inside out human came down from it like he was throwing up the remains of an unfortunate factory incident. His eyes were glazed, opened far and wide as he looked down at the bony figure of his own body. Organs pumping still as his insides were now his outsides, blood pumping all along the pit where his stomach once was, where it now drips its acids all over the floor, carving pussy holes in his bony feet. Norider101 was practically choking on himself, gags could be heard down throughout the house, but he could make out one sentence despite his spine clogging up his own throat:

"Subscribe 4 more doots, more spooks in pt.2!"

Submitted December 20, 2016 at 05:56AM by iopoc shittynosleep

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