Monday, December 19, 2016

I think power company may have wrongly shut off power. Pls help Appliances

I left town for two days. Before I left I turned off my heating system and nothing else. Upon returning home, the lights seemed noticeably dimmer when I turned them on and took a few moments to return to their normal level of brightness. I then opened my refrigerator about an hour later and everything inside was only a little less than warm. When I looked in the freezer, it was apparent that items in there had melted.

What could have caused this? If the power company wrongly switched off my power, can I seek compensation? (I am a college student, so groceries ain't cheap) If this is not the correct subreddit on which to ask, please point me in the right direction.

Submitted December 20, 2016 at 09:06AM by ihavefivepikachus Appliances

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