I have watched the whole documentary and as far as I can see it looks genuine. I guess it could be some fantastic amazing trick but from what I can see two owners moved out of it and it now looks abandoned? John threw his marriage away over a fake ghost? If you look at all the videotape, some of which goes back before he even knew he had a ghost (2006 video ) I don't see how he could have done it. I don't see how he could have faked it there's a refrigerator on one side and a fireplace on the other the back wall of the closet is an outside wall of adobe with no entry points that can be seen.
If the setup to the story is All true I believe this is a confirmed ghost sighting, how could you not believe it? When he put a real lock on the door and it opened and then closed that freaked me out, I am a locksmith how did it open the door? How the hell did they close it again? That is no easy trick,remember I'm a locksmith? I know the scientific World screams against this concept, believe me I'm having a hard time writing this crap, but somebody has to be a skeptic! LOL Somebody prove that it's a fake, show us how they did this? Because all I see is a broken family an empty house and a 10-year mystery? WTF?
Submitted August 03, 2016 at 09:56AM by xDocTylerx http://ift.tt/2aOHRE5 Ghosts
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