Hey all, I saw a video about this sub and needed to tell my story. For reference, I am, or was at the time of this story, a 6 foot tall, 220 lb 16 year old living with my family in our house in Southern Maine.
It was mid-Summer, we had just got a swanky new refrigerator installed, it had an ice cube dispenser and was really great. My parents went to finalize the installation fees and then get us dinner. It was around 8 o clock when they left, so it was dark before they got home.
I was sitting in our front living room, playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the GameCube. My sister and brother were downstairs watching a VHS tape of Drake and Josh, a present to my little brother earlier that year.
I was working nearly full-time at a busy restaurant, so I was super tired. I remember looking at my screen, heavy lidded, I had just entered the City in the Sky, when I closed my eyes for what seemed like a second.
I awoke to screaming. The lights were out. A power outage, no big deal, we lived near a highway, and people often hit power poles and knocked them out for a bit. But something was wrong, the hallway lights were still on, but quickly shut off.
I fancied myself a bit of a crime expert, I read novels and played detective games voraciously. I knew immediately that someone was tampering with our circuit breaker in our closed garage.
I sprinted downstairs, grabbing my aluminum baseball bat and our cordless phone, yelling to my siblings to lock themselves in the bathroom. I ran into our kitchen, dialing 911. I ensured the door was locked and began to run downstairs to lock our sliding glass door.
I reached the door, and found it locked, but on the other side of the fucking door was this hooded figure, slightly shorter than me. My blood ran cold. Our outside light flickered on and I saw his face. It was a bearded man, white, about 25 years old. He had this horrid mile-wide grin on his face, and everything about his face was too... I don't know, perfect, like it was a mask or something. He held a long, serrated blade in his left hand. He reared back with the blade handle, as if to punch through the glass. I stumbled backwards, my hand finding my mom's work table.
My mom dabbled in photography and she had an assortment of cameras, the room I was in used to be a bedroom until she converted it into a photography studio and the closet into a darkroom.
I grasped at the desk, and found what I was looking for, I swung it around, pointed at the man and shot.
A flash.
I remember seeing his smile change to a look of horror as the camera's flashbulb lit up his face.
"HEY! I got your fucking picture!" I bellowed, surprising myself with how deep and, damn, I'll admit it, frightening my voice was, even to me.
He froze, almost as if he realized what he was doing and regretted it. He spun and ran into the woods in our backyard. The police arrived and I gave them the picture and my statements.
My parents got home and I told them what happened, hysterically. We moved a week later to a much safer community in Ohio, due to my refusal to sleep in that room anymore and the unease in the house.
I don't know if they ever caught the guy, since we moved so soon and so far away. I hope they did. But if they didn't, Bearded, Creepy, Stalker-Wouldbe Murderer, I hope we never meet again, because I got your fucking picture.
Submitted May 03, 2016 at 08:04PM by kalam1ty-plays http://ift.tt/1QR3Hi0 LetsNotMeet
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