Dear Minecraft Creators, I want you to add some stuff in the next update for Minecraft. I want there to be cars with keys, and a customizer to change the shape and color. Also, I want real money and wallets. And I want new food like ice cream and pizza, but the food can rot, but there are refrigerators and freezers to keep them cool. And I want T.V. to keep people entertained. I also want phones and laptops to text and face time friends. And printers to copy book and quills like menus and you need an ink cartridge for it to work. Mailboxes also what I want, where whoever placed it can only take stuff from inside, and other players can only put stuff in there. The last thing I want is couches where you can sit on it and extend it. That’s all I want. Thanks!
Justin M.
Submitted April 22, 2015 at 08:57AM by MarinMom73 minecraftsuggestions
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