Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hagwon Contract-is it fair or are they trying to pull one over on us? TEFL

My partner and I were offered a job with a hagwon after having a rather long (but good) interview, which was conducted by 2 current foreign teachers from the school. Here is the contract they sent us:

Both parties agree on the following terms and conditions:


a. The employer agrees to employ the teacher during the period stipulated herein. b. The teacher agrees to accept the employment and will work in his/her full capacity for the school.


a. The total Agreement term is approximately one year, commencing from the date of arrival in Korea and to the last teaching day of the teacher's twelfth full teaching session, according to the session calendar*.

b. The teacher agrees to discontinue his/her residence in Korea under the visa status arranged and sponsored by the employer within three days after the completion of this contract. The teacher will be allowed to stay in the housing provided by Readingtown during this time. This condition will not apply if this contract is terminated for any reason before completion, and the employer has no obligation to maintain the visa status for any period of time beyond the termination date. c. The period of employment is from September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016


a. The employer and teacher are equal individuals working together to provide quality English instruction under the terms stated in this contract. b. The employer will honor the terms and conditions of employment for the teacher as stated within this contract. c. The employer will guarantee the teacher a salary of 2,100,000Won per teaching session* in consideration of the teacher’s teaching hours and proper preparation for the classes.


a. During the terms of this Agreement, the teacher must cooperate and comply with the instructions and disciplines of the school. Assisting the Supervisor he/she must carry out assignments as directed by the employer. The Supervisor will be responsible for establishing and communicating the Standards of Performance as related to the duties stated in this contract. b. The teacher must have adequately prepared for the classes in advance. You don’t have to bring a teacher’s guide into your class. c. At all times during the term of this contract, teachers must maintain a clean and neat appearance. While suits and ties are not mandatory, a professional appearance is desirable.

d. Working Time (14:00 to 22:00) e. In school vacation time can be changed. (09:30 to 6:30) f. The teacher’s work will include the following:

①. Teaching the English language (Target students’ ages: 7to 16) ②. Grading, evaluation, and assessment of students ③. Providing student’s with individualized care (including homework) ④. Attending teacher’s meetings and workshops ⑤. If any complaints, write in a letter. ⑥. Note your daily lesson plan. ⑦. Keeping your promises and duties. ⑧. Other related activities.


a. During the term of this Agreement, the teacher should work in cooperation with the Supervisor from Monday through Friday. b. Teachers will be required to attend some special events throughout the year (Workshops, graduation ceremony, etc.) which may fall on a Saturday. Teachers will not receive additional compensation for these days. c. The teacher agrees to teach 120 teaching hours a session and to adequately prepare for classes. The said workload is equal to 180 forty minute classes per session. d. The employer cannot guarantee the teacher’s requested teaching schedule.


a. The employer agrees to pay the teacher salary of 2,100,000Won won for 120 teaching hours per session for classes. b. The payment of the salary is to be made on 10th of the following month. c. Each forty minute class exceeding the 180 classes/session will be considered as overtime. The payment for the overtime will be _18,000 _ won per sixty minute class. Attendance at scheduled staff meetings and workshops, along with preparation for classes is mandatory and not considered as overtime. CLAUSE 7 ( TAX )

Income tax and retirement taxes will be withheld from the salary in accordance with the Korean tax law.


a. Round trip economy airfare is provided with the one-year contract from the teacher’s nearest airport to the international airport in Korea and transportation from the airport to the teacher’s residence in Korea. Upon completion of this contract, the teacher will be provided with a return ticket. b. If the teacher leaves the school before his/her contract period ends, the school will not pay for his/her return ticket. c. If the teacher leaves the school prior to completing six (6) months period of this contract for any reason, the teacher must reimburse the school the cost of the ticket paid by the school or the school may deduct the equivalent amount from the teacher’s last month’s pay.


a. Upon arrival in Korea, the teacher will be guaranteed two days for an orientation period, before being expected to begin his/her regular teaching work. b. The teacher will be on the payroll from the day after his/her arrival in Korea, except for weekends and national holidays. c. During the orientation period the teacher is required to be at the school making lesson plans and learning about the school system. The rate of payment for the orientation period will be 30,000won per day for the first three days and 50,000 thereafter. Payment for the first nine days of the orientation period will be paid upon the teacher’s arrival in Korea and payment for the remaining days (if any) of the orientation period will be paid on the last day of the orientation period.


a. The teacher will be covered by medical insurance under the Korean Medical Insurance Union, a private health organization. b. Half of the insurance premium will be paid by the Employer and the other half by the teacher. (For reference, the current insurance premium rate is 1.5 % of the monthly salary) Teachers should be aware that medical coverage does not become effective until you have an E-2 working visa and have been issued an alien registration card from immigration in Korea.


The teacher will be allowed for national holidays and vacation that are indicated in the Readingtown session calendar.*


a. The employer agrees that the employee is entitled to 5 working days of emergency leave, in the event of death in the employee’s immediate family. The immediate family shall include parents and siblings of the employee. For this emergency leave, no deduction of salary will be taken place. b. The employer cannot provide the teacher with any additional compensation for airfare in the case of an emergency.

c. The employer has the right to request (upon return to Korea) reasonable proof for having granted emergency leave. d. In the event that a period longer than 5 working days is required for emergency leave, it is up to the employer’s discretion to permit such a period.


a. The teacher will be granted three sick days during the agreement of this teaching contract. It is the teacher’s responsibility to notify the supervisor or director directly as early as possible when a sick day must be taken, as a substitute teacher must be scheduled. If you use your sick days when you are not sick seriously, you can get a warning. b. When a teacher uses one of the allotted three sick days, the number of classes the teacher is scheduled for on that day will be counted towards the total number of classes taught for that session. In the event the teacher must leave the school during the day due to an illness, it shall count as one of the three allotted sick days. Teachers may be asked to present a doctor’s note when two or more consecutive sick days are required. Unused sick leave can not be taken as vacation days, but will be paid at the rate of 30,000 Won per day. Unused sick leave is to be paid to the teacher upon completion of the full contract. c. In the event that teachers who have used the allotted three sick days require further absences from classes for any reason (excluding emergency leave), 12,000 Won per forty minute class shall be deducted from their salary. Frequent absences from classes will result in a warning letter and/or dismissal.


a. The school will provide the teacher with furnished accommodation. (single) b. Furnishings being provided by the employer include: television, refrigerator, washing machine, bed, wardrobe, fan, kitchen table, basic utensils, chairs, two-burner gas hot plate, and telephone. The teacher will be expected to provide his/her own pillow, pillowcase, and sheets. c. Selection of the apartment will be made by the employer. d. The cost of monthly service, utilities, and telephone charges for the accommodations will be paid by the teacher. In the case of a shared apartment, the cost will be shared by the roommates. e. For the first three months, the Employer will withhold a deposit of 100,000 won each month, in order for the employer to pay off utility and telephone charges, received by the employer during the two months after the termination of the contract. f. Any balance due the teacher after all bills have been paid will be transferred to the teacher’s account back home two months after the termination of the contract.


Upon completion of this one-year contract, the teacher will receive one additional basic salary of 2,100,000Won as a severance payment in accordance with Korean Labor Laws. This payment will be made at the time of completion of the contract period and income tax will be withheld from this payment.


a. The employer reserves the right to dismiss the teacher from employment for the following causes: ①. Neglect or inability to perform his/her duties stipulated in this agreement ②. Three consecutive days of absence from work without any notice ③. Receiving two warning letters ④. Criminal behavior or misconduct ⑤. Teaching any private classes outside of the Readingtown school ⑥. When you are late three times, you get a warning letter. b. The employer agrees to give the employee 20 working days notice in the event of dismissal. However, in the case of a teacher’s criminal behavior or misconduct and three consecutive days of absence from work without any notice, he/she will be dismissed from employment immediately with no warning or notice. c. In the event the teacher resigns from employment, he/she can do so giving 20 working days notice to the employer. d. In either case of dismissal or resignation before completing six (6) months period of the contract term, the teacher must reimburse the employer the cost of the ticket to Korea. e. In either case of dismissal or resignation before completing the contract term, the teacher will NOT receive any severance payment in accordance with Korean Labor Laws.


a. This Agreement is governed by the law of the Republic of Korea. b. This Agreement is made final and firm unless any material modification or amendment to this Agreement is executed with the full knowledge and consent of the undersigned and incorporated into this Agreement.

  • Teaching sessions and vacations and holidays (according to the Readingtown session calendar).

Submitted April 02, 2015 at 06:54AM by elucidateme1111 TEFL

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