Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Cheeto-ham on a plane TalesofFatHate

Many moons ago I had to travel through the Dallas International Airport. You probably already know where this is going. I didn't. At the time, I, living in the South, was so used to fat people they didn't really register to me.

My arrival at DFW was stage four of a five stage travel horror. After having my gate changed twice, I sprinted onboard the (delayed) plane. They had combined two flights, so we were filled to the brim. I was in the window seat, the middle seat next to me was empty. But not for long.

She was one of the largest people I had ever seen. She was wearing a flower moo-moo, rasping for breath as she struggled sideways down the aisle, the last person to board the plane. I had no delusions that she was not going to sit next to me. I just didn't expect her to sit ON me. Which she did.

She smelled like that greenish grey mass that you have to clean out of your refrigerator in college. She was sweating profusely, I noticed, as she was squished next to me. I was regretting wearing a sleeveless shirt, because now I was wearing her body odor too.

She had a massive bag of snacks with her, which she continually reached in throughout the (thankfully) short flight. She tried to talk to me the entire time, but I could only answer with Mmhhhmmmm, as it was so painful to breathe in her stench.

The snack that stood out to me the most was a ziplock full of cheetos. Except they looked like there was extra oil in the bag. They were unusually greasy. As she reached her bloated mitts in the bag, babbling away, with her mushy, orange-filled mouth, she noticed me staring at the bag of sodden cheetos. I guess she thought I was looking at them enviously, because she asked (with a full mouth), "want some?".

My mother raised me to always be polite. And I swear, up to that moment, holding my breath, trying not to cringe too obviously away from her, I was doing my best. But I saw in her eyes she saw the disgust in mine.

She turned back to her purse-o-food and didn't say anything the rest of the flight.

That was when I became a shitlady.

Submitted April 22, 2015 at 08:20PM by FoodIsNotLove TalesofFatHate

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