Species: Dog
Age: 10
Sex/Neuter status: spayed
Breed: Beagle mix
Body weight: 55 lbs
History: possible boric acid exposure
Clinical signs: seizure with prodromal foaming, no loss of bowel/bladder control, a lot of nervous sniffing/panting
Duration: 4 hrs, seizure itself was only 1-2 min
Your general location: San Antonio
About 4 hours ago my dog, Sunny, began suddenly foaming copiously at the mouth, as well as head shaking & muzzle wrinkling as if her nose was irritated. No coughing or vomiting. She may somehow have been exposed to boric acid insecticide that was placed behind the refrigerator. The vet gave her antacids and lorazepam and told me to keep her hydrated. She's much calmer but is still panting and salivating (although much less copiously). How long/what should I look for to let me know I should bring her back up there? I'm so worried about her!
Submitted February 26, 2015 at 12:47AM by bluesgrrlk8 http://ift.tt/1ALaiGa AskVet
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